245 – Inter-dimensional Portal

"This looks absolutely amazing." The mare chuckled. "Szur has a feeling something extraordinary is about to happen."

The Kraken and the silver-scaled lizard emitted white light, shrunk into a ball, then sank into the pillar.

"Sprinkle the giganpoppy powder around this pillar, Velvet." Ayre had a little difficulty speaking. "And hurry up. I can't do this for too long."

Velvet immediately did Ayre's request, sprinkling the white powder around the pillar until it ran out.

After that, the giant magic circle beneath their feet also emitted blue light. Their hair and clothes fluttered in the wind swirling around the pillar.

"Is this working!?" Velvet had to raise her voice a little because of the strong wind.

"I don't know." Ayre removed her hand from the pillar and stepped back. "Let's wait and see."

A portal, also light blue in color, started forming under the pillar. The longer time passed, the bigger that thing.