246 – Prison Break

Finally, I can breathe. My women eventually left my body. They looked at me, looking unsure. Of course, I wanted to jump up to hug them, but with how I looked, they would be confused.

I went down to the floor and found my roommate's hand sticking out between the piles of two beds.

"A human sandwich." Emily snorted.

Ah, she hasn't lost her sense of humor during these three months.

The sound of rapid footsteps began to approach. The bustle of the inmates has also filled the cell complex.

"We have to hurry…."

"Excuse me." Ayre pressed her forehead against mine. "I still have to confirm that you are Lord Vorn."

She closed her eyes just when two prison guards checked my room. "Hey, who are you guys?"

Emily kicks open the cell door, knocking it out and sending the two officers flying. Almost in an instant, the deafening sound of the alarm echoed.

"He is the real Lord Vorn!" Ayre shouted.

"We have to get out of here quickly." I immediately led my women out.