"STRIP ELEANOR!! Father repeated his words in a gruff manner. As if he could strangle me right now if I delayed one more time.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, my king." I tried to muster up the courage to stand up for myself, hiding the fears that coated me at the moment.

Gasps from different people flee from one angle of the room to another. Murmurs and whispers began again, no one had spoken to the king in such manner before. I was the only one who dared to do it, the fearless princess.

I am my father's daughter after all, he's a stubborn man, the most feared human king that ever existed, and I took after him. Not only did I act like him, but I also took his features too except his hair which they said I inherited from my mother. My black hair.


Father roared for the entire courtroom to be visited by the spirit of stillness. He rose from his throne and walked towards me slowly, quietly. My heartbeat quickened with every step he took close to me. Taking his time till he was standing right in front of me. He smiled downwards staring down at me viciously.

I didn't need anyone to tell me what he would do to me, I knew I was done for.

I forced myself to stare right into those pair of intimidating green eyes.

"Foolish child." His palm covered my cheeks causing me to fall to the floor. "Your Highness," Potiphar called.

"SILENCE! He yelled at the man.

"It would do everyone good if I just F**king kill you with my bare hands. How dare you defile my words?" He grabbed my chin robustly squatting to my level as he dug his fingers into my face as if trying to crush it with his bare hands. Two droplets of tears fell from the corners of my eyes as I clenched my teeth so as not to feel much pain from his action.

"Please my king, remember he likes his banquet whole," Potiphar said again. I knew he wasn't pleading cause he wanted to help me or because he loved me so much, he was pleading for their selfish gains.

A daughter is meant to be her father's favorite seed, but I was hated by mine. Hate was an understatement when it came to us. Father made me realize every day since I was born that I was never meant to be his child. He has never loved or cared for me, there's never been a day he has called me affectionately. Not even by mistake.

He raised me still holding my chin till I was standing again, he pulled me closer to himself, placing one hand on my waist while the other still held my chin firmly. My teeth felt like they could break any minute.

His hands moved slowly behind me. I wanted to fight, but it would be a lost fight. I might just end up creating more trouble for myself. He held the ropes of my corset, losing it calmly for another droplet of tears to fall from my eyes.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I felt the need to whisper my most desperate questions since he was close to me for the first time since I knew him.

"You're bad luck to me and everyone else. I disowned you the very day you were born. You're not my child." I closed my eyes at his words fighting so hard to bury the unbearable pain in my heart as I felt my dress slip down my body till it dropped on the floor.

As if not satisfied with what he had done, he tore my inner garment leaving me bare before everyone. He smiled, finally letting my chin go as he pushed me to the floor.

I was finally bare before everyone, they could all see me... Bare.

"Raise him so that everyone can see." He commanded and two guards walked to my side to raise me. I've been more humiliated before.

I felt like dying, this is not the life I wanted. This is not the life I should be living. The hate was becoming very much unbearable, no matter how hard I fought not to cry, it flowed, draining my swollen cheek which still stung from the heavy slap I got.

I felt defiled by my father, I was disgusted, devastated, upset, shattered, and sickened by the lust in their eyes. The lust in the eyes of the men and women who kept staring and giggling at my bareness.

According to the laws, the body of a woman is only meant to be seen by her husband. This act is an abomination in the land and anyone who does this shall be banished. My father knew about this, this is just his little devious way of sending me away. I couldn't hold my tears as they kept falling out uncontrollably.

"Are you sure he would accept this?" Father asked meaningfully ignoring my cries. "H... He would don't forget Asmodeus is lust himself." The prime minister responded blinking and trying not to focus too much on my body. He picked up his steps again, moving around me, staring at my body for a while, and stopped behind me.

"Asmodeus? I thought we were going with Beelzebub?" The king implored ascending back to his throne. "If we want to have the strongest allies, then we have to partner with that ruthless vampire king." The prime minister said.

"But he's been missing for ages now, how do we find him?" Father asked. "He's around my king, he isn't missing." said the prime minister.

"It is decided then. I king Gerald Alas Roosevelt declare a feast of the departure of this curse." He pointed at me, a satisfactory smile displaying on his lips.

"I don't care if she f**ks all of the vampires in that city, I just want to be free." He murmured his last words raising his hands for the guards to drag me out of the courtroom.

"If it's not too much your grace don't you think we should spend some time with her to know if she's worthy of the king. One thing I know is that the king does not care if she's untouched or not. Plus the princess is already an outcast now." A man from the crowd suggested and other nodded at his words.

"Nonsense Philip. The purer the better." Father declared waving his hands.

A few maids rushed towards me with a large piece of fabric in their hands as they covered my bareness leading me to my quarters.

This has always been my life, but today was worse than anything I've experienced before.

The humiliation was unbearable, my pride had been stolen from me. I've been dragged to nothing but filth in the entire kingdom.

I did what I knew to do best. Cry till my panes were drenched with my tears. I was ready to cry my heart out just to look ugly before that ruthless Vampire, to make sure I turned displeasing in his eyes.

I wasn't just humiliated, I've been given to a ruthless vampire king and we'll be married at sunset tomorrow. I cried myself to sleep that night.