The moon glinted into my window, and I sighed returning my head to look at my reaction through the oval-shaped mirror.

Tonight I would be given out to a demon king. I pinched my eyes closed against the harsh reality of the night.


I just needed a few more minutes to dream. A few more moments to think about what life might have been like if I wasn't born into the royal home. If I wasn't born a princess.

You look so beautiful my lady." Daphne my maid raved, even I knew I was beautiful tonight.

My black hair was pulled back and twisted on the top of my head in an elaborate design that was already starting to give me a headache.

Daphne had painted on a thick line of coal along my eyes that somehow made me look so different from myself. She had also applied a bright red colour to my lips.

But none of that was the issue. I was hurt, terrified at the outcome of tonight.

This is not the look I wanted, I shouldn't be looking this appealing for that demon.

A small piece of white cloth was tied around my breast area covering just my nipples and extending to a small part of my breast.

Another little piece of the same fabric was tied around my waist. I was barely comfortable in what I wore, and even though I tried to argue against the dress, she warned me that the king had demanded I wear a garment that showed off exactly what they were after.

Different beads were placed around my body, from my hair to my feet. I was adorned with colourful yet heavy beads. I didn't think I could walk with them, I staggered standing on my own.

I wondered what life awaited me now I'm being given out, I wondered what my husband looked like. I wondered if he was the one I read about, the one with so many mysteries from the few patches I've read. But from all I've known, humans were nothing but food to the vampires or the entire night creatures, so I might just be another meal.

"Are you okay my lady?" Daphne asked, worry evident on her face. I gave off a reassuring smile. I had to be strong for both of us.

I understood her fear and I wished all of these were not happening. I would miss her so much.

The door to my room suddenly opened with Hannah stepping in. She is the senior maid in the palace, she is like a mother to me. The woman I grew up with, nurtured and cared for me.

Her eyes were wet with tears, her lips trembling and skin pale. No one had to tell me she was fighting so hard not to cry. I didn't know why they were all acting this way. They are meant to be strong for me but it seems I'm the one being strong for them.

"Hannah." I voiced out, we were both smiling bitterly. "Please excuse us." She said for the maids dressing me to step out.

"I'm so sorry it had to go this way, my dear." She breathe holding my hands in hers as she pressed her lips on them. Her touch was tender, and so was her voice. I gulped down the pain in my throat, forcing myself to be strong.

How I'll miss her.

"It would have been better if it was someone else." I heard her say. "He can give you out to a general, Gerald forgets you're his daughter." She whispered.

"No need to worry Hannah, I'll be fine. I'll survive this." Even if I tried to be positive I knew deep down who I was getting married to. He was a ruthless demon king. A man who was fond of killing and drinking blood from humans.

He's probably lived for like a thousand years, yet has lived without a wife. So why did he want one now?

I stared at Hannah as she cried in my hands. "I'll miss you, Eleanor." She voiced hugging me to herself and I returned it. She continued from where Daphne had stopped in dressing me.


A maid who left before suddenly stepped back in with the others, "It's time my lady." The maid announced and I breathed out. My heartbeat quickened, no it was thumping loud in my chest like a newly caught animal desperate to escape from its cage.


I should be getting married to a normal prince or any nobleman, but father had already sold me to the demon king.

The maids who stared at me like I was a living corpse, like it was the last time they would see me were not helping matters. 

I wanted to survive this, I really wanted to.

"You should drink this, it'll help you calm down a bit." Hannah gave me a drink which I sipped, before placing the silver cylix on the table. I tried to calm myself before stepping out of the room...



My bare feet clicked the broken brick floor as I held the wooden rays with one hand so as not to fall cause of the heavy beads. The only sound that could be heard at that moment was coming from my beads that clattered each time I moved.

I stared at the pitch-black hall before me wondering why the ballroom was suddenly dark. I could barely see a thing. It felt like no one was there, and the only light in there came from the stairs my feet walked on. It just flickers like a light bulb with each step I take.

A Few stairs to the floor, I could hear native instruments playing, the hall was suddenly lit up. A Few women moved forward to dance at the centre of the hall with the drummers, all of them were in the same attire as I was, except for the heavy beads.

Slowly I could feel my body moving to the native instruments, consuming my entire being and I just let it have its way.

I didn't know if it was because of the drink I had earlier but my beads were no longer heavy as I walked up to the women dancing at the centre to the local beat of the native instruments. We all danced like we were possessed by something.

I don't know why I was acting this way or why I joined them, but I cared less, letting the sensual beat take control, I started moving my waist, smiling from ear to ear. The smile on my face was unending.

I spread my hands, swayed my hips, I shimmed, twirled, moved my head wildly as twisted my waist.

My eyes fell on him immediately, the mysterious man who has not stopped staring at me. He reeks of power and authority, in a strangely black attire, filled with an unexplainable cold aura that made shivers run down my spine. My hands and feet turned cold at his presence, his dark aura filled the entire room.

His eyes, they were smouldering with desires as he watched me, he was indeed a very handsome man, but why were there no ladies salivating at him as usual? Why was I the only one staring at him, even if he was the most attractive person in the room? Not even the men talked or looked his way. It was like he didn't exist to anyone else but me...

Who is he?

The moment realized this, I stopped dancing immediately and just stared at him. Those alluring black eyes stared down at me, they had trapped me at a spot. At that moment, everyone and everything in the room froze as it felt like time has seized just for the two of us.

He got up from his seat majestically walking up to me, calmly, like a beast, sending chills down my body, I gulped but my eyes never left his.


He called my name but his lips never moved, I could hear him completely in my head, and just by clicking his fingers together, we both appeared in a completely different world.


Everything felt like a dream, but it was real. That was when reality hit me, the man standing before me, the feast, the ritual, I've been taken by the vampire king...