I couldn't eat the breakfast Elleta prepared, so I stepped behind the drapes for my bath.

The tub was filled with water to it's brim containing scented liquid and flowers. I stepped inside the tub, making large water spill out but it didn't touch the floor. It's like she used some sort of magic to hold it from wetting the floor.

Eletta's skills was really impressive. Maybe demons and night creatures aren't so dangerous after all, except of course the king who killed those women.

"What other creatures live in the palace?" I was curious to know what other creatures I would find beside Eletta.

"We have the fae, a troll lives amongst us, but he's a guard. We have the vampires, a goblin, the warewolves." She scrubbed my back with a piece of clothe while my fingers played with the water.

"And then there's me. An imp." She smiled.