I stepped out of the dressing room once I was done, and a maid led me to the waiting room. I could already feel my heart beating loudly in my chest, I was anxious about who it was. About who had found me? My fingers trembled lightly but I hid them behind my dress.

The guards standing by the door of the room bowed before pushing the door open and I was welcomed by a familiar figure. My stomach sank, body turned rigid, skin pale as all colours drained from my face at the sight of him.

What is he doing here?

How did he find me?

Was he here to take me back home?

Father was the last person I wanted to see. Now I had seen him, I didn't think I wanted to go back home anymore. He frowned at the sight of me. It seems he was upset, but what is he upset about?

"Hello, Father." The formal greeting rolled off my tongue easily after almost twenty years of practice.