While we ate and drank I glanced occasionally at Leviathan's hands but couldn't find the Pearl. I had no idea when or how it varnished from my hands.

I made sure to hold it safely so it doesn't fall and then take a look at it in my quiet time but now it's gone.

"D... did..." I bit my lower lips contemplating whether to ask or not. I had told Leviathan the woman gave me nothing.

"What is it?" I could sense the silent tease in his voice like he was waiting for me to tell him about it, but I bit my lower lips refusing to speak. I'll steal it back later, right now I had to focus on the feast.

"N... Nothing." Leviathan smiled turning his eyes from me over to where Everett sat with the others. They were complete now, laughing and talking with each other. I couldn't believe the people seated there are not humans.