Reunion Beyond Lifetimes 2

Madame Xing couldn't believe her eyes. The Arcus Kiss could be considered the premier gentleman's club in Partisan. This place due to being exclusively for the 1% had the highest security imaginable.

Yet not one, but five individuals arrived and got it without tripping any alarm or summoning any guards. Either everything was broken or these people were crazy good.

While her heart grew joyful when Alan shielded her with his own body. She could hardly enjoy his protection when all her senses screamed at her to run away.

The Arcus kiss had overlapping arrays, protection skills, and alarms that would either stop an assailant, call the authorities for help or summon automated defenses. In her panic, the woman turned around and saw something that made her shiver.

The area behind her looked like a war zone. Guards including Rick and Rolland were on the ground unconscious with multiple broken bones. Doing a quick check the madame learned none of her guards were dead.