Reunion Beyond Lifetimes 3

The Wolfen butcher then turned around and called for Alan. Due to being scared out of her wits, Madame Xing went with him. After all even as a low-level system user, she could feel the impact of the blows that smashed the puppets. It should be known that such blows would kill her immediately.

Yet, the puppet did not get blown away but even got back up and regenerated some bits of their bodies. While most would be scared of the puppet themselves. Madame Xing with her background in counterintelligence got horrified at a different implication.

'When did the puppets come here? Those girls according to my knowledge have been here for over a month! Did I have killer puppets with me the entire time? Were they sent by a spy organization? Who? What do they want? Are they aware that the Arcus kiss is a front for the Prince?'