The Situ family

" And what happened after that?" Yin Zhu wasn't allowed to leave the cottage, even though she always wore the omega ring to suppress her scent, her father was still worried that she will end up attracting the attention of an alpha mistakenly, so he never permitted her to leave the house. Yin Zhu who has never left the house often found the tales that her sister told her rather amusing, even though they might be nothing but normal to the others.

" What else?" Yin Xia replied with an eye roll as she washed the rice that Yin Zhu dropped on the floor. They weren't poor but they weren't well to do either, wasting the rice that has been dropped on the floor by throwing it. That was something they would never do. " The eldest master didn't say a word about him messing with the dresses of his sister, it wasn't until the third master who got fed up with all the screams and loud noise told his sisters that it wasn't the maids but their eldest brother who tricked them all, did the mistresses let the laundry maids leave, a good thing too. Or else I and poor Yan Yu would have to wash all the clothes today."

Yan Yu was her sister's friend and worked in the Bloodlock family with her.

" The eldest master did not apologise to the maids?" asked Yin Zhu and her sister who has just poured the dirty water out of the drain laughed out loud. " Apologise? My dear Zhu Zhu, it seems that you have the very wrong idea about the nobles, they never apologise especially not to betas and omegas, after all, we are gods' creations to serve the alphas, in their eyes, we are their servants and they are our masters. Why will they apologise to their slaves?"

Yin Xia rolled her black hair that was cascading over her shoulders and then tied it in her a bun as her golden eyes flicked over the stove, she snapped her fingers and a flame was ignited in the mud stove.

Her sister did it ever so easily while Yin Zhu spent an hour and a half playing with the things everyone called matchsticks to light the fire.

" But that is wrong is it not?" said Yin Zhu as she watched her sister twiddle with the fire burning in the stove. " I mean daddy always tells me that I should apologise when I am wrong."

" Well, people like us who cannot afford to offend anyone has no other choice do we?" Yin Xia smiled as she replied before pushing herself off the floor and then picking up a clean pot that was filled with water and then placing it on the stove. " You should not pay attention to the actions of the nobles so much, the more you find out about them, the more you will realise that they are people you should stay away from."

Yin Zhu did not doubt her sister's words as she got up from the bed and clapped her hands. " Sister, since you are cooking, I should go and wash the dishes."

She did not like sitting still when her sister was working so hard.

" No, wait!" Yin Xia who was busy pouring the rice turned to look at her sister immediately when she saw that the latter was going to wash the dishes. She wanted to stop her, knowing Yin Zhu and her clumsy hands and feet, Yin Xia was sure that she will break a plate or two but she seemed to have thought of a bit too far.

Because Yin Zhu didn't even make it closer to the washbasin where the dirty dishes were instead she went sprawling on the floor after taking a couple of steps forward.

Yin Xia: "…."

Yin Zhu: "..."

" My dear little sister, you really worry me sometimes." Yin Xia sighed as she helped her sister up from the floor. Her gaze dipped to the bleeding knees of Yin Zhu and she shook her head. " I am glad that you haven't been selected as anyone's maid yet … or else you would have been caught up in big trouble, the least you can manage is walking on your feet properly can't you? That's the basic survival skill."

Yin Zhu pushed herself off the floor and then pushed her silvery bangs out of her face as she puffed and said in a whiny tone, " You should complain about this to mother, of all things that she could have given me she gave me her clumsiness."

" Well, if I see her ever again, then I would tell her about it," their mother had left their father when they were very young, they did not what or who she was, all they knew was that she was a very beautiful woman, at least that was what their father told them.

Yin Zhu rolled her eyes, her sister wasn't upset with their mother's actions of abandoning them, she, on the other hand, has kept a grudge against her mother and she will be keeping the status quo no matter what happens in the future even if her mother was to come and apologise to her.

There was a knock on the door just as Yin Xia took a first aid box from the cabinet over the stove and Yin Zhu's eyes widened with glee as she ignored the pain in her knees and rushed to the door. " Daddy is back!"

Her father was a worker in the Bloodlock family just like his sister but he worked as the assistant of the master of the Bloodlock family, which was why he was often late. But no matter how late he was, he would always bring something sweet for her and her sister to eat.

" Daddy, you are back what did you bring to——" she did not get a chance to finish her sentence for Yin Zhu's gaze fell on her father's face. He looked solemn and from the heavy dark circles that he was sporting under his eyes clearly, he was tired as well.

Maybe Yin Xia too sensed that something was wrong as she placed the first aid box on the bed and came to the door of the house, she took one glance at her father's heavy expression and her heart skipped a beat as she asked, " What's wrong, daddy?"

" The Situ family has asked for Yin Zhu to start working for them."