Direct order

" What?" Yin Xia stared at her father in disbelief, it was as if someone has told her that the one ruling the world was now betas, it was simply that unbelievable! " But why? Why are they asking for Zhu'er and father, why did you have to agree with them? Please tell me that you did not agree with their order!"

" Stop shouting Xia Xia, are you afraid that our next-door neighbour cannot hear you?" said Father Yin, he was a middle-aged man with a slightly burly build but his face was thin and wane. He looked as if he was seriously overworked and with the worry lines decorating his face, it seemed as if he was going to faint any second. He heaved his bag and then walked inside the cottage with a sluggish pace, "I understand the dangers better than you do but this is the law, every beta who turns eighteen will have to start serving a house of alphas."

" Then you should have told them that Zhu'er is an omega, maybe that way——"

" Don't be ridiculous Xia Xia, telling an alpha that my daughter is a beta is like waving a piece of juicy meat in front of a wolf and hoping that it does not take a bite of it," snapped father Yin as he slumped on the old armchair that was sitting next to a small fireplace. He covered his face with his hands and then breathed heavily in the back of his hands before raising his head and looking at his daughters warily, " I am just as tensed as you are about this but there is literally nothing that I can do, the orders of the alphas are absolute and we as their servants have to follow it if I knew that the trouble will come knocking like this I wouldn't have messed with the documents back then."

When Father Yin found out that his wife has given birth to an omega, he took advantage of his position as the assistant of the duke and then changed Yin Zhu's secondary gender to beta, for he knew that if his employers were to find out that his daughter was an omega they would have asked her to become the bed chamber maid of their sons.

This position was not shameful but it was dangerous, after all having worked in the Bloodlock mansion, Father Yin knew better than anyone just how difficult and terrible the young masters of the Situ family were and what was more if his daughter was to start serving even one of them, then she wouldn't be in the danger of losing just her chastity but also her life.

Neither of the options was acceptable to Father Yin which was why he deliberately forged the documents and saved his daughter from getting in harm's way. He believed that in the next eighteen years he will find a decent beta and send his daughter away but reality slapped him in the face, Yin Zhu was now eighteen yet he couldn't find a decent family for her.

" I... I have to work in the Bloodlock family?" Yin Zhu asked her father after the news finally sunk in her brain, though a part of her was scared, a part ..a very small part that was close to her heart was thrilled. If she was to work in the Bloodlock family then she wouldn't have to be locked in the house every day!

She will be able to go out and explore the world a little, to her who has been locked in the house for the majority of her life this was an unexpected opportunity.

" No!" Yin Xia who has seen the young masters of the Situ family along with their sisters and their ever-changing moods knew how dangerous it was to work for that family. Just today, those sisters killed three maids all because they thought that those maids were responsible for exchanging their dresses and the young masters calmly watched their sisters sucking the blood of the maids while knowing that they were the ones at fault, her sister was a naive fool who did not even know the way of the world, if she was to work in the Bloodlock mansion then …what will happen to her sister?

" Then what are we going to do?" asked Yin Zhu with a frown, as long as she knew the betas were not allowed to refuse a direct order from their employers.

This was something that Yin Xia was worried about it as well, they could not just ignore an order from their employer, but they couldn't let Yin Zhu work in the Bloodlock mansion as well. Yin Xia raised her head and took in her sister's delicate elfish features from the silver hair to those beautiful sky blues and her worry doubled even more.

Even when the betas in their neighbourhood did not know that Yin Zhu was an omega they were willing to marry her, despite knowing that betas weren't allowed to marry betas, either they married an omega or the dwellers who lived in the outskirts of the cities.

The alphas feared that a beta couple might give birth to a child that was stronger than an alpha, even though it was not possible nor it has been seen before. They still feared the loss of power that they had over the betas, which was why they made it illegal for betas to marry each other.

The beta male of their neighbourhood knew that they couldn't marry Yin Zhu but her beauty was captivating enough to make them forget the law, for main Yin Zhu their mate they were willing to break the norms set up by the alphas.

Her father however never agreed to the proposals of those men for he knew that those betas were only attracted by Yin Zhu, an infatuation that was quick to pass.

Yin Xia's amber eyes shone with worry as she looked at her sister and then turned to her father before saying determinedly, " I say, we should leave… we should run away from this place, father."