Never let them catch you

" We can't do that," Yin Zhu objected at once, though she understood the worries of her sister, running away from the problem was not a solution and what was more—— she pursed her lips and determinedly looked at her sister and father before licking her lips and saying what was on her mind, " And we cannot run away, the other night cycles would not accept us without the permission of our ruling alphas, if we were to go and ask for permission from father's employer than he will ask why we are leaving the Bloodlock city, he will not agree without a proper explanation."

What Yin Zhu said was right, their world was divided into seven-night cycles, and each cycle was ruled by an alpha family for instance the second night cycle was ruled by the family of werewolf shifters and the third by the magical creatures. The first night cycle where Yin Zhu and her family lived was called Bloodlock and the one ruling this cycle was none other than the Situ family, a family of vampires.

" But we cannot let you work in the Situ family mansion!" said Yin Xia fretfully as she stared at her father with a demanding and reproachful expression. " She can't even walk straight without getting her arm and leg scratched, if we allow her to work for the Situ family, I am afraid that she will end up offending someone she shouldn't have."

Yin Zhu pursed her lips as much as she would have liked to tell her sister that she will not make trouble in the Situ family, she knew herself that it was nothing but an empty promise after all with her clumsy actions, she was bound to make trouble sooner or later. Her blue eyes casually shifted to look at her father who was in deep thought.

She could tell it even without asking her father, that he too was calculating her chance of offending someone in the Situ mansion. The sound of chatter came drifting from the outside as the street pedlars loudly advertised their products.

Seeing the frown on her father's face Yin Xia hurriedly said, " Zhu'er doesn't know how to do household work and you know it too father. It's not because I haven't tried to teach her but it's because she is so clumsy that she can't even wash a shirt properly the last time she washed your clothes, she made at least three holes in your shirt."

"Hey, I am standing right here and what's wrong with not knowing how to do household chores, at least I am witty," objected Yin Zhu at once when she heard that her sister was bad-mouthing her. " And that was like a year ago, now I can do everything except for cooking."

" Yeah you can but not without falling flat on your face throughout the process!" snapped Yin Xia as she turned to her father after rolling her eyes at her sister. " Father, you can't possibly agree to let her work. You can either send her away or maybe marry her off… I still haven't forgotten what she did in the inn where she used to work."

At the mention of her black history, Yin Zhu winced. When she was sixteen she decided to start a part-time job in an inn, the landlord of that inn was a nice man and he was willing to give Yin Zhu a job despite knowing that she had trouble standing on her two feet. Everything was nice and Yin Zhu was getting used to her work as well but then on an unfortunate day a freak accident she ended up pouring a bowl of soup on a guest while she was serving the dishes.

The guest was an arrogant, rich man—— the second he came out of his daze after Yin Zhu poured the entire bowl of soup on him, he demanded Yin Zhu be fired away and the landlord who did not want any trouble also agreed with the request of the noble man.

" How nice of you, sister," Yin Zhu muttered when she saw that her father was now looking at her in alarm.

" But we cannot ignore the order as well," sighed her father with world lines coating his face after a short pause, the Situ family was not known for their generosity, if anything they were known for their tyranny and their cruelty. Father Yin who have worked in the Situ house for so long knew just how cruel the members of that family were not to mention insane. " The Duke has asked me to bring Zhu'er from tomorrow onwards, if I don't take her then I am sure he will sense that something is amiss."

Yin Xia too understood this fact, she bit her lower lip and then said after giving the entire thing a little more thought, " Fine, we will bring Zhu'er with us but we need to look for a department that does not call for the use of magic since she can do just as much magic as the dwellers can and on top of that we need to make sure that she does not attract any attention from the young masters either." The last time a woman caught the attention of the three young masters of the Situ family, she was played around to the point where her family wasn't even able to retrieve the body of their daughter.

She did not want the same thing to happen to her sister as well.

" I will look into this," agreed Father Yin as he nodded and then turned his head to look at Yin Zhu before he solemnly said, " Zhu'er, I will not restrain you any further but remember in the Situ family, do not look into the eyes of anyone and in case you are cornered by either of the young masters then you need to do only one thing, run as fast as you can. Do not let them catch you alone, never, do you understand?"

If only Yin Zhu knew how to take the warning to her heart.