A challenge

" Oh, I have to say even though a lot of women have thrown themselves in my arms, you are the first one to throw herself in my arms in such a way," a deep and low-pitched voice that was thick with sensualness spoke from above and Yin Zhu who was sort of awkwardly hugging the man immediately stood up straight before she took several steps back.

She only got a chance to catch a glimpse of his silver hair bangs that were curled around his face when she felt someone push her head down and make her bow in apology and then she heard her sister say, " Forgive us third young master, we didn't know … that you were here. She is my sister and it's her first day here, she still doesn't know anything, I will work hard and teach her everything soon."

The man in front of Yin Zhu looked at the woman who was bowing apologetically in front of him and blinked his eyes. He did not listen to a thing that the other woman was saying, this morning he received a memorandum from the head of the council that overlooked the peace between the seven cycles with an invitation to tea. Simply boring.

The man knew that the head of the council was only calling him to the building of the council to arrange a meeting with his daughter, something that he very much disliked.

That woman only made him very much annoyed, even his little brother refused to stir for her.

Being the young master of the Situ family and born with the power of seduction, the young man knew that he would be able to get any woman that he wanted and even without trying he was able to catch the attention of a huge crowd of women who wanted to marry him.

But no woman was able to catch his sight, dressed boldly and in a manner that showed their assets to the world, the man has seen a lot of women like them and he didn't like any of them.

This was why when he found that the head of the council was actually using an important meeting for the tenth time as a pretext to call him to the council's building he was furious enough to snap the neck of the two maids who mistakenly spilt tea on his pants.

They were supposed to discuss some important matters over the rebellion that was yet to be doused and still the head of the council was calling him to the building of the council such that he would be able to arrange a private meeting between him and his daughter.

It was impossible for the man to not be upset but when he came to the back garden to calm his head down, he heard a tinkling voice like that of a chime and his head that was close to bursting immediately turned calm.

He was the one who was born with the power of seduction but this was the first time when a woman was able to enchant him.

His steely grey eyes remained fixed on the woman, unmoving and he tuned everyone out in front of him, his gaze stayed on the slender back of the woman and suddenly a thought came to his head ——

' I want to see her face.'

He didn't know why he wanted to see the face of a mere maid but the man was not willing to suppress the desires of his heart and immediately said, " Raise your head."

Yin Zhu was still waiting for the man to leave her alone when she heard him speak. He wanted her to raise her head? Why? Was he going to gauge her eyes out because she almost looked at his face?

That was simply barbaric! She didn't even see anything, why was the man so petty?

Yin Zhu licked her lips nervously as she turned to look at her sister only to see a terrified expression on her sister's face. Jeez, even if she wasn't terrified, she will be now.

" Did you not hear me?" said the man, his voice filled with deep reproach. " Do you want me to make you look up now?"

How rude. This was Yin Zhu's first thought as she heard the arrogant voice of the man.

She was still hesitating when her sister furtively nodded and mouthed, " Do it."

It did not seem right to Yin Zhu to listen to a man who didn't have basic courtesy of how to talk to a fair maiden but she still pursed her lips and raised her head.

Fine, if he wanted her to look him in the face then she will do just that!

Yin Zhu straightened up and a gust of wind fluttered past them, it was normal for something like this to happen in Blood lock, after all the weather here was windy and rainy throughout the entire year.

But the man in front of Yin Zhu suddenly stiffened, his handsome face with sharp features went taut as he looked at her with a bewildered and stunned gaze, she felt his breathing slow down as he stepped closer to her before taking a whiff.

Whiff? What the hell? Was he a pervert along with being bloodthirsty and cruel?

She wasn't wearing any perfume like any other woman yet the scent coming from her was simply alluring, she smelled like an ocean that was filled with numerous hidden treasures but at the same time there was something else …something that he couldn't put his finger on, and it seemed to be calling him even more strongly than the scent of the woman.

He noticed the glimmer of fear and doubt appearing in her eyes but she still looked back at him fiercely with her head tilted back and her brows scrunched up slightly.

Interesting. A smile formed on his lips as he looked at the woman and saw her eyes widen when he smiled at her.

" Are you apologetic?" He asked with his hands behind his back and peered down at the woman in front of him, it was funny how she being her tiny self was trying to challenge him. Mhmm, was she trying to get on her tippy toes now?

" I am," he heard her reply but he could see that she was anything but apologetic, his smile widened as he leaned forward and lowered his voice a pitch before tapping his cheek. " If you give me a kiss then I will forgive you."


He waited for the woman to oblige but then he noticed the scrunch of her brow tighten slightly and then her lips twisted in a grimace lightly as she muttered while clutching her head," Ouch, what the hell?" Then she was glaring at him before saying waspishly, " And what's with you, sir? Are you out of your mind, how can you ask a maiden to kiss you?"

In the boring life of the man, an exciting challenge appeared.