Damned one

' That idiot!' Yin Xia thought in her head as she looked at her sister who has gotten herself in danger on the first day at work and was thinking about whether she should go ahead and ask her when she was stopped by Mister Zhao, the elderly man shook his head with a frightened look, telling her silently that if she was to move now then she will only make the third young master, even more, angrier than already was.

Yin Xia knew that Mister Zhao was right, if she was to make a move now then she will surely make the matter worse but … she could not leave her sister alone with that man, should she interfere?

But just as she was thinking about making a move, she felt a threatening gaze lock at the back of her head as alpha vibes started to smother her, warning her not to move or else she will lose more than her head. Yin Xia gritted her teeth, she wished she could fight against the alpha vibes but she couldn't, she was a beta even if she wanted to go against her employer she couldn't do it.

" Do you think that it right for you to say such words to your employer like this?" asked the man as he returned his gaze to Yin Zhu, just now he made sure that Yin Zhu wouldn't be affected by his alpha vibes which was the only reason the woman was able to look at him in the eyes like this.

Yin Zhu could feel that something was different about the man, he was smiling but just now he did something. She didn't quite understand what he did but a moment ago she felt her head throb with because of sharp pain and a second ago she swore that she felt her sister move but then this man turned to look at her and her sister bowed her head again.

Did he forcefully make her sister submit to him?

Yin Zhu have heard about alpha pheromones and knew how strong their effects were on beta and omega but if he emitted the alpha pheromones then why didn't she feel it? Did he purposely target only her sister but why? She was the one who did the wrong thing didn't she? He should be punishing her and not Yin Xia.

" I don't but I do when they harass me," replied Yin Zhu as she bit her lower lip when the man's eyes turned red. Now she has gone and done it, did she just accuse the young master of the Situ family of harassing her? Was he going to kill her now?

Surely, he is going to kill her or why else were his eyes turning red?

She noticed the man tilting his head to the side and then flinched when she saw him raise his hand, all right this was it. She was going to say goodbye to the world now, she was prepared to feel her neck snap but then instead of grabbing her neck, the man grasped hold of her face, with his thumb and finger, he cupped her chin and then pulled forward such that she was looking him in the eye.

" Interesting," said the man, his eyes glowing red as he peered down at her face. " I can see that you are not scared of the creatures of darkness… it remains to be seen if this is your bravery or your foolishness."

Yin Zhu didn't know much but she did know that when caught up in a dangerous situation showing fear was one way to get the ticket to heaven faster which was why she was willing to look the man in the eyes. If he was going to kill her then she wanted to remember her eyes as her life escape out of her body … someone told her that this was one way to haunt their killer.

But who? Yin Zhu couldn't remember who was the one who told her something like this and what was more she has never seen anyone die in front of her eyes either.

So how did she know this?

The man looked into her eyes until they started to water, but she didn't blink, she stared right into them as she said, " What is the worse can they do to me other than killing me?"

She heard her sister take a sharp intake of breath behind her but she wasn't someone who would willingly back out of a fight. So, she stared at the man while he glared right back at her, she watched as he parted his lips and licked his sharp fangs and was preparing herself for the pain when she felt him push her away.

Yin Zhu felt herself stumble but then her waist was caught by the man who stopped her from falling on her bottom. He leaned in closer to her as he whispered the following words into her ear, " So clumsy but so brave… I can see that you have never seen the damned ones before me, if you did then you wouldn't be this brave little firecracker."

He let go of her when her footing was firm on the ground and winked at her. " I will see you soon… after all, I don't really have anything to do these days."

With that the man raised his feet and then turned around to walk away from Yin Zhu, seeing him go Yin Zhu heaved a sigh of relief before she muttered under her breath, " Who wants to see you? I would be the damned one if I got to see your face again."

She has spoken so softly that even Yin Xia who was right behind her couldn't hear her but the man did and then he paused before he turned around to smile at her as he said, " Worry not little firecracker, you will indeed be seeing a lot of me."

And this time Yin Zhu was sure that she has jumped into a fire pit because of her recklessness.