Lowly pervert and nothing more.

Once the man was gone, Yin Xia stood up straight and rushed to her sister's side. Her face was pale and she was clutching her umbrella as if she was hoping to hit someone with it from the expression on her face it was quite clear that the only reason she hasn't swung the umbrella was that Yin Xia was feeling torn between whom to hit first.

" You come here with me," ordered Yin Xia as she pulled her sister away from the back entrance of the mansion and then turned a sharp left as she dragged Yin Zhu with her to the laundry room that was located at the back of the mansion.

Neither of the two sisters noticed the omega ring glowing a vibrant pink as the entire place that was devoid of any flowers filled with the scent of lilies and twilight roses.

Just like the rest of the place it was gloomy with a lot of windows and hardly any doors, Yin Zhu shot a quick look at the building that looked like the laundry room given that clothes were hanging out in front of the building on tight ropes attached to two pair of wooden sticks that were tied and then dug into the ground together.

But Yin Xia did not drag Yin Zhu to the laundry room instead she dragged her to the small corner where the broken laundry baskets were kept and only then did she let go of Yin Zhu's arm.

" Do you have any idea what you have done?" demanded Yin Xia as she looked at Yin Zhu which spoke volumes about the anger she was trying to suppress at the moment. Breathing harshly while clutching the umbrella in her hands as if wishing she could hit her with it, Yin Xia glared at Yin Zhu. " You actually went ahead and did… why in the world did you do that? Zhu'er? Hmm?"

Her older sister was looking at her like she didn't know where she went wrong with her. Only Yin Xia knew that when she heard Yin Zhu talk back to the third young master, her heart leapt out of her throat. Even now she could feel her heart dragging its feet up her throat as it shouted, ' Let me out, I can't handle these jump scares anymore!'

" Maybe you didn't hear him, that man asked me to kiss him," Yin Zhu retorted, she felt unjustified. She was the one who was harassed by that so-called young master even before she started working and yet she was the one who was getting scolded, how come? Maybe to others, he was the young master of the Situ family but to her, he was such a lowly pervert. " You should be glad that I simply retorted to him. I was going to hit him with my umbrella but I knew that you will be in trouble if I did that, which is why I was a lot kinder to him."

She frowned and scoffed. " What young master? Is this the way to treat young maidens? So what if the seven cycles are developing more and more? Even now people care a lot about a woman's past, if such a thing gets out and others were to find out about me, I would become a nice real joke in their eyes. If you ask me a good character is more important than riches——"

" He was joking! The third young master has a habit of teasing maids every freaking second! If you have given him two seconds, you would have known!" Yin Xia placed the back of her hand on her forehead and sighed in exasperation. " But no you just have to jump the gun, Yin Zhu!"

Yin Zhu winced, her sister calling her by her full name was never a good sign. " But he did misbehave with me…" she tried to reason out. " I don't know what he did but I felt my head throb when he spoke to me earlier. It was such a sharp pain that I couldn't even think properly and almost fainted."

" That's impossible," Yin Xia blinked her eyes.

" Why?" Yin Zhu asked with confusion written all over her face. " You said that the young master of the Situ family all had powers did you not?"

" I did and yes they do have powers but the third young master has the power of seducing everyone whether man or woman, it's the second young master who can instil fear and pain in others." Yin Xia explained which only made Yin Zhu frown even more.

" Then how come he made my head throb?"

Yin Xia shrugged as she sighed heavily, " I don't know but I do know one thing we can't send you away now… the third young master has seen you and he will most probably keep a track of you from now onwards. If we send you away then it will be equivalent to getting investigated and that is simply not worth it."

Seeing her sister rub her forehead with a pained look on her face, Yin Zhu felt bit awkward and guilty. In the end, she couldn't help but say, " I am sorry, sister… I did not mean to cause you trouble."

Even if Yin Xia wanted to scold Yin Zhu, she could not bring herself to do that when she noticed the apologetic look on her sister's face and what was supposed to happen had already happened, there was nothing she could do about it now. " Never mind now, among the three young masters. The third young master's temper can still be counted all right..it's the second young master and especially the eldest young master you need to watch out for. Make sure that you stay away from the two and you need to be very careful, especially from the eldest young master … you don't want to be caught by him because he won't seduce or make you suffer in pain. He will control your mind and believe me you would not like it." Yin Xia sighed. " Now we can only hope that one finds out about you talking back to the third young master or else we will have a load of trouble on our plates."

Yin Zhu's shoulders dropped for she knew that this time her sister was right.