Leave your shoes behind.

" I understand I will try to keep a low profile in the upcoming days," Yin Zhu promised her sister, she knew that her sister was right. Though she didn't know what kind of people lived in the Situ mansion, the man she just met was enough to let her know that she needed to be on her guard while working in this mansion.

"It's good that you understand," sighed her sister as she motioned her to follow. "Let's go, I will bring you to madam Huo, she will tell you what you need to do and the basic rules and regulations of the manor along with your uniform." When Yin Xia noticed that her sister was looking a bit nervous, she smiled gently at her and said, " She is truly a delightful woman, you will like her. Madam Huo is different from the rest of the family members, as long as you do not make a mistake, there is nothing that you need to worry about."

Together the two sisters walked towards the small house that belonged to Madam Huo. Her importance in the family can be seen from just the fact alone that she was the only servant of the Situ family who was given a house on the premises of their family mansion.

The small house was decent looking and even had a small fence circling it and in front of the metal gates stood a guard who peered down at Yin Zhu and Yin Xia haughtily.

" Good day to you, Mister Bo." Yin Xia greeted the guard respectfully and Yin Zhu immediately understood that it wasn't just Madam Huo who was treated respectfully in the mansion, anyone who was related to her was treated with just as much respect as she. " I am Yin Zhu, I came to see Madam Huo a few days ago regarding the matter of my sister getting hired. I have brought her with me and she will be starting work in the mansion from today onwards, can you ask Madam Huo whether she has the time or not to see my sister, please?"

The guard nodded as he said, " You two wait here, Madam Huo must be awake right now… I will go and check with her if she has the time to see your sister at the moment."

" Thank you very much, Mister Bo." Yin Xia bowed her head as the guard stepped inside the iron gates and then went inside the house that was sitting at the centre of the small flower garden.

" She is treated with so much reverence," Yin Zhu was in awe upon seeing how well Madam Huo was being treated. From a small house to a guard to protect her, she was living the dream life of every beta servant.

" Well of course she is," replied Yin Xia. " Did I not tell you before? Madam Huo was the one who raised the three young masters after their mother passed away. Obviously, she will be treated nicely by the three young masters, even if they are the damned ones…they still have some humanity left in them."

" Their mother passed away?" This was the first time she was hearing it, when her sister told her about Madam Huo, she was only paying half of her attention and thought that the madam of the Situ family was simply too busy with all the tea parties that she has to attend to raise her kids, she never thought that the madam of the Situ family passed away. " How did that happen?"

Suddenly, her sister became very stern as she said, " You don't need to know that and while you are working keep your curiosity to the minimum okay, Zhu'er? I know that you are curious by nature but that's not how it's going to work here. Because you know.."

" I know, I know …curiosity kills the cat, you have told me several times," it wasn't that Yin Zhu was curious about everything, she just wanted to know everything about things and people who were connected to her world. Since those young masters had nothing to do with her there was no need for her to be curious about them, was it? " I was simply asking, it's as simple as that…you are reacting too severely."

Yin Xia too know that she was being too harsh on Yin Zhu but she couldn't do anything. " I am just worried, after all, you are my sister and with everything that's going on, it's only normal for me to worry about you."

Yin Zhu didn't say anything because she noticed the guard who was heading their way. The guard walked past the iron gates and then came to a stop in front of the two of them as he spoke, " You can come inside but only you…" he pointed to Yin Zhu before turning his head to look at Yin Xia. "Madam Huo said that she will send your sister to the laundry room in a few minutes as for you, you are already late go and get started with work. If the young missies don't get the bodices of their dresses cleaned before noon, they will raise the sky over their heads."

Yesterday evening the three missies of the Situ family went to a banquet, their intentions to go to the banquet were simple. Looking for a perfect alpha to match with but instead, they ended up in a scuffle and dirtied their dresses with red blood wine in the laundry department only Yin Xia had magic enough to clean the three dresses without fainting.

Betas mana was limited and red blood wine was the most tricky wine to get rid of especially when it clings to a silk dress.

Yin Xia looked slightly uncomfortable with the idea of leaving Yin Zhu alone but Yin Zhu patted her sister on the shoulder and said, " You were the one who said that Madam Huo is a delightful woman, so there is no need for you to worry, right?"

"Well, I guess," Yin Xia bit her lip before she took a glance at the house and nodded. " I will go to the laundry and take a look at those dresses, you can come there later on as well."

" All right."

" Please leave your umbrella outside, Miss Yin Zhu," said the guard when Yin Zhu turned to walk inside the iron gates. " Madam Huo likes her house clean." As he said that his gaze fell on Yin Zhu's shoes which were almost three years old with patches and mud sticking to them. " And make sure to leave your shoes out as well."

She hasn't even walked inside the house and she was already being shown her place wasn't she?

" Sure," Yin Zhu would have loved to swing her mud-covered shoes at the guard but because Yin Xia was looking at her anxiously Yin Zhu had to smile. " I will leave my shoes outside ..that is when I reach the entrance of her house."

And before the guard could stop her, Yin Zhu rushed inside the iron gates.