won’t leave you alone

At the cottage of maids in the Situ mansion, a mournful scream rang out startling everyone who was around the cottage. The stable boys and the maids who were around the cottage after their breaks all jumped three feet in the air before the maids all rushed to where the scream came from.

"What's going on?"

" Why is she screaming now?"

" Who knows she screams at the smallest thing, most probably she caught sight of a cockroach or something of the sort."

But when the maids arrived at the spot where Chen Chu Chu was they saw that she was crouching over the body of Chen Yu who looked extremely pale and haggard. Her clothes were ripped and her neck was bleeding profusely with the deep holes and with just one glimpse one could see that it was made by an alpha.

" Isn't that—-"

"It's Chen Yu right?"

" I bet she went to seduce the eldest master and then got herself in this mess."