Nightmare, spiders and disappeared mother.

When the night fell and the clock struck midnight the clock tower of the slums rang loudly causing the betas to rush back to their houses as the knights of the alpha families chased them out of the shops and bars but Yin Zhu had nothing to do with it, for she was already in her bed, sleeping soundly as she breathed in and out while being deeply asleep.

But even though Yin Zhu was peacefully sleeping, her dreams were anything but peaceful. In her dreams, she was standing in the middle of streets under an overbridge that only had a small lamp hanging at the end of the wall and that too was flickering, next to her was her mother who was carrying a basket in her hand.

' Mommy, what are we doing here? When are we going to go back home?' Yin Zhu asked her mother as she looked at his mother whose silvery hair was tied in a long ponytail and her lips were curved in a small smile as she listened to the cheerful voice of her daughter.