Be a good man in the next life

" How dare you touch her as you please?" Situ Mu Yan muttered in a deadly cold voice, his eyes flaring with anger such that he made the entire alley get filled with screams of pain as the thugs who tried to force themselves on Yin Zhu withered in agony.  The man stared at the three thugs who were getting twisted into angels which made Yin Zhu turn her eyes away from them. 

She knew that these men deserved what they were getting, after all, who knew just how many women they might have ruined in the middle of this very alley but she still could not witness their comeuppance. Just as she turned to look away she felt a gaze that was locked at the back of her head and lifted her head to see who among the three men was looking at her. 

Big mistake, the one who was looking at her was none other than Situ Mu Yan whose eyes were blazing with small fires inside them. She heard him snap at her, " Why is he touching you as you belong to him?"