Be a good man in the next life——2

Once Yin Zhu was gone, the three men turned to look at the thugs who were being held in the air. One of the men who was still very much conscious begged through pain, " My lords, please forgive us for we could not realise that the girl was someone we could not touch. Please forget our imprudence and let us go, I promise we will never do something like this again." 

" Let them go," Situ Xun turned to look at his second brother who narrowed his eyes but still waved his hand such that the fumes that were holding the three thugs in the air like ropes retracted causing them to drop on the floor one by one. 

As soon as the feet of the three thugs touched the ground, they all breathed a sigh of relief even though their limbs were twisted at odd angles they still did not dare to make a sound of pain, as long as they were alive it was all worth it.