The Tower Defense

Asqa looked up. She also saw the group of drones the size of a bird. Based on what happened before, Asqa believes the drones will get bigger and more dangerous over time.

She wanted to warn the other group members. But it turns out she doesn't need to bother. They all knew about the presence of the drones.

"The fuck is that? Are that drones?!" Reed asked with a look of disbelief on his face. "How are we going to deal with that now?"

Reed was confused because, in the previous turns, the Regressors had not encountered the drones.

That was because the drones would only attack players who tried to get close to the Main Control Tower and the Regressors didn't bother doing that. So they don't know about the drones guarding the tower.

But now the situation is different. Because Clyde makes them get closer to the tower, the drones became active. So, they have to fight them.