Entering The Tower

In the white room, as usual, Agatha was looking at them with amusement in her eyes. Or rather she just stared at Clyde and not paying too much attention for the rest.

"He handled it pretty well," Agatha muttered.

She wasn't too shocked by what she saw. Because Agatha already knew that Clyde would be able to walk toward the tower easily.

The skills he has are also quite extraordinary. Agatha remembered that the skill was called [Hacking]. The fact that Clyde had that rare Skill proved that he knew what was going to happen today.

Agatha decided not to think too much about how Clyde knew about it all. And just enjoy the fun sight.

Luccio's arrival surprised her. Agatha almost jumped off the couch when the door opened.

"How's the situation?" Luccio asked.

"Uhh... Nothing worth mentioning, Senior," replied Agatha.