A Little Bit of Reminisce

They need to spend about fifteen minutes peeling the giant scorpion's shell because of its size. With this many shells, Hammer can certainly make strong armor for the six of them.

Leyan, Kiara, Kei, and Haru admit that they lack good equipment. But with all the expeditions demanding their full attention, they couldn't afford to spend time scavenging for materials.

But once they saw this opportunity right before their eyes, of course, they wouldn't miss it. Especially when Clyde had killed this giant scorpion first without causing them any trouble.

Leyan didn't see any problem with that. However, Kiara and Kei felt something else.

"Is it okay, Clyde?" Kei asked while looking at Clyde who was busy piling up the pieces of shells he had collected.

"What?" Clyde asked, he glanced slightly at Kei but then continued his work.

"You're doing all the work now. You even killed those worms alone before."