
Asqa swallowed with a nervous feeling that started to rise in her heart. This is not the first time she has carried out assignments from the Archangel. But she has never done anything that is considered important.

"What should I do?" Asqa asked.

Joshua cocked his head toward a direction behind his back. "Follow me."

So Asqa immediately followed Joshua and they started walking away from that place. 

During the walk, Asqa still continued to feel nervous. Joshua realized what she was feeling from the look on her face.

"It's okay. You won't do it alone," Joshua said. "There are three other people who will be going with you. The Archangel just wants to give you more experience in carrying out missions because it will come in handy in the future."

Asqa nods but she doesn't say anything. She had an idea of ​​what happened in this place called The All Territory.