Belial's eyes widened. He didn't know if anyone else had heard the voice.
The voice itself hadn't come from the dragon's mouth and he was sure of that. Instead, it had slipped directly into his mind like an invasive presence that made his head feel strange.
It was not pain that he feeling.
Its just felt so wrong.
"GHAAAAAAAARH!!!"Belial suddenly roared.
His roar was heard all through the battlefield and shaking the air with wave. The soldiers from the Demon, Celestial, and Angels paused mid battle for a second, their instincts screaming at them to turn and look.
Even Zaradorn narrowed his eyes as he looking upward at his king. The rage in Belial's voice was different this time.
It wasn't the usual thrill of battle or the excitement of facing a strong opponent. It was something else and something much darker.
And that unsettled the general as well.