A Rapist

Kavan looked at his body and he crooked his eyebrows when he saw his shirt soaked with black blood. "Is that not supposed to be normal after getting poisoned by Lord Divett's tentacle?"

"No! Kavan!" Fannie immediately interjected, "you are poisoned by wolfsbane." She looked at him, carefully, and then her gaze went to the four corners of the room that they were in.

Though Kavan didn't look concerned, Fannie looked over worried, especially how her heart kept beating faster by the minute.

Fannie stood up and before Kavan knew what, she immediately loosened his buttons and exposed the terrible injury that he had acquired. As she looked at it, she slowly said, "Who do you think is suspicious of you?"

"I don't understand, Fannie. Stop thinking wildly. We don't have all the time in the world to keep talking to ourselves. Just tell me what Lady Coleshill told you so that we can know how to go about it."