Meeting With The Priest

"He is a rapist?" Princess Skylar saw her father's eyebrows furrowed together as he asked and then she nodded, knowing that her father now understood why she had been disagreeing with him.

"But has he raped you before?" Another round of words came from King Reuben which made Princess Skylar's eyebrow squeeze even harsher than his.

"Father?! How could you say such a thing to me? Does he have to rape me before you believe that he is a rapist?"

"Child, do not misquote me."

"I am not, father. That is actually what you mean by your question," Princess Mariah interjected and walked around before standing right in front of him with frustration written all over her face. " could you have turned into a stranger within a few days?"

"I am still the same, princess. If you understand all that I am doing, you won't blame me."