
"Oh…" She groaned loudly as she struggled to regain her composure and breathe. King Spenser straightened his belt and resumed his seat as if nothing had occurred.

"My King..." Olivia reached out and touched his thighs.

"Was I successful in winning your approval?"

The King answered, "You should know you did, Olivia," before picking up his book and turning over the pages to attempt to remember where he had left off.

Olivia's grin widened as her excitement grew.

Of course, no one else will ever be able to perform a greater job than she will.

She got to her feet, dressed herself again, and moved to a position of honor behind the King.

They were "my favorite King," she said with a grin.

Excuse me for interrupting, but may I inquire as to why you mandated the lockdown? How about telling me where you went first thing this morning? She stopped, then began gently rubbing his shoulders.