Back to the Academy! Part 4

"Sorry about that." Fey said. "I didn't mean to get you roped into doing the tournament."

Dax smiled, knowing he planned on doing the same thing to Fey. "Oh, don't worry about it." Dax said, "I think it might be fun."

"I had planned on losing but winning with you on my team will be better." Fey said. "Being teammates with a class F and partners… that will drive mother insane. Now we just have to find our third. Not that it matters, I will win this thing all by myself."

"I got us one." Dax said. "My cousin Ron will join us."

"Awesome." Fey said. "Wait… Ron from my class? He is your cousin? You are nothing alike…"

"Well, I didn't even know he existed until a couple days ago." Dax said.

"I see." Fey said. "Well, he is second in my class, I guess that would secure the win for sure. We can talk about it more later when we hang out. For now, I have to get to class. I will talk to you later Daxy! Meet me in front of the academy after classes!"