Just What are You?! Part 1

"Just who are you?" Dax asked.

"Wait, you see and hear it too?!" Elle asked, surprised. "How?"

"How do you see and hear him?!" Dax asked.

"Not here." Elle said. "Come with me."

Elle stood up and started walking out of the classroom. Dax followed her closely.

Instead of going into the campus they instead turned and went into the forest. After a ten-minute walk they came to the fence that marked the academy grounds. Elle rubbed her hand along it until she found a button and pressed it. After she did, a small opening appeared in the wall. She passed through and Dax followed.

Shortly after crossing the wall they found themselves at a small wooden cabin nestled deep in the wilderness. It was sitting next to a small clear stream. Various fish could be seen swimming in the water. Vines climbed the side of the building, but it did not look as if it was in disrepair.