A Day of Magic Part 7

"Some stuff huh?" Fey asked, with a teasing tone in her voice. "What kind of stuff did you have in mind?"

"Magic stuff." Dax said. "I need to get better if I am going to keep up with you."

"I look forward to it then." Fey said with a smile. She pulled out her phone and fiddled with it for a few moments. "Alright, the car will be out front in a couple of minutes."

"You call your car on the phone?" Dax asked.

"Of course, it is a self-driving car after all." Fey explained. "It only makes sense that there would be a remote-control application I could use."

Dax paused for a moment, thinking about how much a car like that must have cost. He decided he didn't want to know and just chalked it up to Fey being ridiculously wealthy.

They walked out of the arena and Drakie flew to and perched on Dax's head once more.