Chapter 236 The Apex Predator Creation pt 2

The Builder Faction had used the facial features of the Apex Flyer. Upon seeing the bodies of the Apex Swimmer and Apex Carnivore. They decided to change the features of the body just a little more.

Instead of a huge bulky frame and very little tail. They went for a more lean body that would swiftly move through the air and water to help them.

Once these design changes had been done. The next meeting was scheduled.

Both Factions had to talk about what they had done with their materials. Surprisingly, the Apex creatures were surprised when the Builder Faction had used the Apex Flyer has their base model. Upon seeing, the others used some of their traits.

"What a surprise to see out of the Builder Faction." The Apex Carnivore said.

The others agreed.

The Apex creatures wanted the Builder Faction to go first simply because they were unsure of what they would do.

Once the Builder Faction was done. The Warrior Faction went.

Hearing that the Warrior Faction used the materials to forge nothing but spears. They had enough material to forge everyone a new spear. The Apex creatures were astounded.

"Warrior and Builder Factions have both exceeded my limitations." The Apex Swimmer replied.

"Mine too." The Apex Herbivore replied.

The Apex creatures decided to rest for the day and come up with a reward for the two Factions.

At the end of the day, the Apex creatures decided to give both factions two more loads of the ore.

The Builder Faction immediately used the ore to forge the wings and tail of their creation.

Whereas the Warrior Faction used the ore to make better weaponry. Since they had already forged spears for reach. They decided to make archery the next step for their evolution.

Some creatures they had just recently started to fight used boulders and stone throwing to keep the Warrior Faction at bay.

It took a while, but once several arrows were made. A bow finally was ready to be tested.

It was too strong for the ordinary soldier to use. If one trained long enough, they were able to use it.

They went all out and trained thirty warriors into archers. They also had to retrieve their arrows because of how strong the material was.

Finally, the Warrior Faction had enough trained to fight against most creatures around the parts. They were not stupid enough to face an Apex creature.

They could diligently take care of the land their were supposed to. The leader of the Warrior Faction went up to the mountain where the meetings were held.

He gave a prayer of thanks to the Apex creatures. To the Warrior Faction, they would forever do this for good luck in protecting their land and for praising the Apex creatures who gave them their land.

In the Builder Faction, every part of their god was forged. The only thing left was to connect each part.

To ensure that their god was someone who could help them. Four elderly Angelic Builders were asked to come in and help with the building.

Each one possessed a different Dantian. The first one to enter had a Fire Dantian. He had built most of the town.

"Would you like to forever be a part of the god?" The Leader of the Builder Faction asked.

"Of course. What can I do for it, though?" The builder asked.

"Give your Dantian to it." The Leader replied.

The man was grabbed and carried to a room. In the room, screams of terror and agony filled the room as the Dantian was removed.

Once the man had died. They used every bit of his body to forge a circle around the Fire Dantian.

The same followed for the others. The second one had a Water Dantian. The third one had a Nature Dantian. The last one had a rare Lightning Dantian.

Once each Dantian had a covering using the original owner's bodies. They began to make a four-way connection in the skull of their god.

That connected each Dantian to each other, and a singular tube went into the chest of their god.

Inside was ten different stomachs. Four for each of the singular Dantians for a massive explosion of that Qi. One for each pairing of the Dantians.

Some were better than others. It was still a grand moment for the Leader of the Builder Faction. He was sure that this was going to help them not only cultivate themselves but to cultivate the land.

The body pieces got melted together in a very weird way. First, by using Fire Qi, they made sure the tail was inside where it belonged. They used everyone who had Fire Qi to just use it on the tail. Even when it was already connected. The people were still forced to channel their Fire Qi.

Once a week was done with the tail. Everyone had either already exhausted their Qi or died. This was the path the Leader of the Builder Faction had chosen.

Next was Nature users. They were forced to connect the legs. Again, a whole week was used on them.

The Builder Faction's Leader smiled when almost a quarter of the people died to this cause. He truly needs just a smaller population for their new god to help them.

The next step was to connect the head to the neck of the body. Here, the Water Qi users were used for a week. A slight rumbling could be heard from their god.

The Leader was more than anxious for their god to be birthed. The only thing they needed was the wings to be attached by Lightning Qi.

The only problem was that. Only four people had the Lightning Dantian. One of them was the Leader, himself. He needed a way not to die to see his god help the people whom he was created to help.

He went and searched for a day and found an Angelic Warrior with the Lightning Qi. He quickly took the Warrior inside. Allowing the Warrior to be the first one to see it even before the Apex creatures.

"It is truly a work of art." The Warrior of the Angelic Race said.

"Yes. Will you help us with forcing Lightning Qi into its wings to increase its Lightning Qi and make sure the wings are completely on there?" The Leader asked.

"Without question." The Warrior replied.

He did not ever have to question his leader. He would do whatever he could to help the Builder Faction.

A week went by, and the Warrior Faction had noticed their member missing for the week. They went to the Builder Faction. Once they did, they saw their Warrior forcing hid Lightning Qi into the wings of their god.

This was without a shadow of a doubt a wrong by the Builder Faction. They would not say anything and just let the Leader of both factions work it out.

Once the Lightning Qi users ran out of Qi. The Warrior Faction grabbed their Warrior and left.

The Builder Faction rolled his eyes at the sight of them. He was currently in no position to fight the Warrior Faction yet.

A meeting was called forward by the Builder Faction. They showcased their god to the Apex creatures and their own tribe.

The Apex creatures narrowed their eyes at the sight of their god. The creature looked like a flying serpent with very short legs to grab stuff. Upon closer inspection, the claws on the god were similar to the Apex Carnivore claws.

The god had an erie red glow in its eyes. This made the Apex creatures frown, but they kept their distance.

The Leader of the Builder Faction stood on a stage and overlooked everyone.

"Today, I wish that all who have helped us with the creation of our god a blessed celebration. For those families who have lost their loved ones over the years, a blessed celebration. For the Warrior Faction, a blessed celebration as they too were willing to help us." The Leader announced.

Everyone started playing music and doing dances. Even the Apex creatures could not help but question what was going on.

The god sent a Water Qi filled breath into the air. Rain started to fall peacefully. The Builder Faction was pleased with their god and prayed that he would continue to help then.

The Apex creatures felt even more worried because the Water Breath had several different Qi involved in the breath.

"We must be on our way." The Apex Carnivore said.

The Apex creatures left.

"Let the Realm know of our might." The Leader spoke softly.

The god seemingly interested in those creatures. Decided to abide his time.