The Golden Dragon

She already knew that people were chosen by this System to help the Divine Mage and the strongest Warrior in their quest, but she had still a hard time beleiving that her family had just been chosen!

Her husband was going to fall over himself when he heard this, not only would he have to protect the Divine Mage until Cassy was able to fight on her own, but they would also have to find the strongest Warrior and probably have to protect him as well.

Carol focused again as Cassy described the scenes she had seen in her visions and indeed it was very similar to what had happened the last time the Demon Lord had appeared.

But Carol opened her eyes wide when she heard her tell her about the Golden Dragon that seemed to be fighting beside her and was present in many of her visions... The Golden Dragon...

She then said to her, "Cassy, if I remember correctly, the Golden Dragon was created by the second Divine Mage to help him fight the Demon Lord, but he died while doing so, and a Golden Dragon was never seen again after that."

Cassy looked confused and asked her, "He died... You said, 'He'?"

Carol smiled and told her, "Dragons are all Shapeshifters and therefore considered humans, Cassy, they are the oldest clan in Spartia and usually the best Warriors are from their clan.

But the Golden Dragon is really special... All I know is that the last Divine Mage chose the strongest Warrior of the Dragon clan during the last war and changed his DNA to make him even stronger so he could kill the Demon Lord."

Cassy then asked her, "What happened then?"

Carol shook her head negatively and she told her honestly, "No one knows. After the final battle, all three of them disappeared, the Demons were contained by an indestructible barrier at Spartia and peace was restored."

Cassy then told her, massaging her temples, "So the strongest Warrior is likely to be this Golden Dragon, right?"

Carol just nodded and she looked at her worriedly but before she could ask her if she wanted to rest, Cassy asked her if she knew what the power stones were, but she could only shake her head negatively again and told her feeling a little helpless, "Don't worry, Cassy, the visions you had are not going to happen right away, even you said that you looked older in your visions.

By then you will have become extremely powerful I can guarantee you, and I promise you that we will help you find the strongest Warrior and whatever mission the Divine Mage System will give you, you have my word."

Paige who had been silent as she listened to them then said with all the seriousness a 15 year old girl could muster, "I'm going to help you too."

Carol smiled at her and ruffled her hair before saying, "We're all going to help her, even if we have to go back to Spartia, we will do it."

Cassy was touched by Paige and Carol's words and she then asked Carol curiously, "Why did you make the decision to leave Spartia with your husband, couldn't you live in another country, away from your respective families?"

Carol then said to her, "No Cassy, our families are too powerful, they would have found us wherever we hid, our only solution was to leave Spartia."

Cassy, who had never fallen in love before, knew nothing about this feeling, so she asked her still curious, "You loved him so much that you didn't hesitate to leave your family, your friends, everything... Weren't you afraid that he would betray you or break up with you?"

Carol then laughed and she told her, "I wasn't scared because Glen, my husband, is my soulmate."

Paige then intervened and said, "Mom, Cassy is from another world, so maybe she doesn't know what a soulmate is, and how powerful this bond is?"

Carol then looked at Cassy quizzically and Cassy then curiously asked them, "Well, Paige is right, I do not know what a soulmate is."

Carol sighed and she winked at Paige before telling her, "I didn't think you could ignore these things, my bad... Well Cassy, know that if you find your soulmate, he will always treat you well, and he will never be interested in anyone else but you for the rest of his life.

And it will be the same thing for you, he will be the only one… I know it may seem like a scary bond but it's really worth it."

In fact, Cassy wasn't scared, she was very excited to know that there was maybe someone out there who would look for her and not run away when he would learn what she was capable of.

She then asked Carol, "How do you know that you have found your soulmate?"

Carol smiled at her and said, "There are several signs that will help you determine that he or she is your soulmate.

Usually one look is enough to make your heart race and you will want to touch him."

Cassy looked at her puzzled and repeated stunned by her words, "I will want to touch him…"

Carol laughed heartily and explained, "The bond between soulmates is very powerful and the physical attraction is also very strong, so this bond only appears when the two people become adults.

The second thing that will allow you to determine if he is indeed your soulmate is that as long as you haven't accepted the bond that unites you, each time he touches you, you will feel like a tingling where he has touched you.

And when it comes to accepting this bond, it is very easy to do so, you will just have to ask him, he will tell you.

You can also choose to reject this bond, but as you are single, this is an opportunity not to be missed if you ever find him."