A Dumb Girl

Marissa was sitting down looking on the floor. She could only thank God that her mother managed to survive. There was internal bleeding in Wanda's head due to the impact of being hit by a blunt object. For now, the doctor needed to do an operation for her to drain the blood out.


She raised her head upon hearing Micky's voice. Micky was gasping for air, perhaps because he rushed here.

"What happened?" He asked and crouched in front of her.

Her lips were crumpled hearing the question. She was trying to hold her tears as this emergency department was filled with people. "Mick…" She hugged him around his neck and closed her eyes.

"Is this dad's doing?" He pushed her softly, and needed the answer right away. "Tell me…"

Nodding, her eyes reddened. "What should we do?"

Micky scowled. He was so mad but felt hopeless. 'What should they do?'

"Mom needs an operation as early as she can…" Marissa looked at Micky with a mixed feeling. Sad, guilty, angry and useless. "I'm sorry but how much do you have?"

"Hah!" Micky sighed in anger. He just used the last bit of his savings to repair his motorcycle. It broke down on the way to work this morning. "How much is it?"

She shook her head, it felt so hard to tell him the amount. Marissa knew he wouldn't have that much because he was the only source of income for months for their family.

"Just tell me, I will try to gather as much as I can…" He received his salary from working at the restaurant yesterday and could ask for an advance from his convenience store work.

"About three to four thousand…" She paused, sighed heavily. "I don't know the exact figure but just now the doctor told me it is around that amount…"

Micky felt his heart beat almost stop, where could they find that amount in a short time?

"Sis…" He paused, thinking of something. "I really didn't have that kind of money but sis…" He hesitated to say what was on his mind.

"What is it? Tell me…" Marissa could see the hesitation in his eyes.

"Can't you ask for Blake's help?" His voice grew weaker as he mentioned Blake's name. He really didn't want her sister to ask for Blake's help but he was the only person that crossed his mind.

"Blake?" She frowned shortly. "I don't think he have that much…"

The words that were out from Marissa's mouth made him let out an unbelievable huff. "Sis, I seriously don't know how your brain works…"

"Sorry?" Marissa was puzzled by Micky's statement.

"Can't you see…?" He stopped and stood up out of frustration. "He lives in an apartment that only the rich could afford and he drives a sports car sis!" His voice slightly raised, "Sport car…"

"He is a manager…" She came out with a reasonable answer at least for her.

Micky snickered, "Three months old manager…"

"Well, he said the car is a second hand one…" She told him what Blake was telling her about the car.

"Sis…" He came back crouching down on the floor. "Listen…even a second hand sports car that he owns cost more than our house. A mere manager couldn't afford that."

All of Micky's words rushed in her mind. She took some time to think. Marissa agreed she didn't know much about the apartment price or how much was that sports car worth. 'I feel dumb.'

Seeing how she was speechless, he tried to slow down. "Okay…maybe he is not super rich but I am sure he is rich and sis…" He took a breath and continued, "I think he could help us…" He held her hand, gathering the strength for both of them.

She swallowed her saliva. 'Will he help me? I got mad at him earlier.'

"Should I ask?" Micky spoke to break the silence between them.

"No no…" She answered quickly after snapping from her thoughts. "It will look awkward if you are the one asking…" She heaved hard, "I will ask him in the morning…" Since it was already three in the morning, he didn't think it was proper to disturb him. She would just message or call him around nine or ten in the morning.

"Miss…" The nurse came from the side and called for her.


Ruby reached for the document that was passed by her secretary, Amber. "Did you get all the information that I need?" She looked serious at her study's table.

"Yes Madam, her information was not that hard to find." Amber told her. Last night Ruby called her and asked her to pass all the details about Marissa as soon as seven in the morning. So, here she was at 6.30 am in the morning at their villa.

Slowly opening the envelope, she pulled out all the documents. Reading the first page, her brow frowning, "Unemployed?"

"Yes Madam. She was unemployed just recently." Amber explained a little more from the details she got.

"Tsk tsk tsk…failure parents, failure in business and failure in life." Ruby shook her head in disappointment. "But Amber…" She raised her eyes from the document and stared sharply at her, "How come I didn't know anything about this girl…"

Seeing those eyes, Amber's heart beat hard. "Err…Young Master blocked it."

"What do you mean by block?" She put down the paper and crossed her arms.

"Every person you sent was told to keep quiet and never mention a thing about her to you." When she investigated Marissa, she was also curious on why this girl never once appeared on the report regarding Blake.

"So, all this while…he knew that I sent someone to follow him?" Ruby laughed in disbelief.

"Yes Madam. He knew." Amber confirmed it.

"Interesting…" She bobbed her head, staring down on the paper that she put on the table. "Is this all?" She pushed the paper slightly with her finger.

Nodding, Amber said, "Yes Madam, that is all. She didn't have much on her. As what was said in the document, her parents, I believe are in the middle of divorce."

Her laughter became louder as she heard the shocking information. What made Blake go that length to protect this girl? She didn't see anything special about her.

"What made you have a hearty laughter in the morning?" A voice that came from behind the door silenced both of them. Blake walked in after he received no reply from her, "Are you talking about me?" He chuckled, guessing that was what happened. If not, why would they be stunned after they saw him?

Blake pulled the chair and sat down. "Good Morning Amber." He glanced up at Amber who was standing near him. "So tell me, what do you get about her?"