Marriage In Return

Ruby smiled. The tense look that was on her face earlier faded right away. Amber was already familiar with that drastic change. Blake was her soft spot and whatever he did, she would never say anything. She would do anything to make sure he was happy but Blake thought otherwise, he didn't want to have anything related to Ruby.

"I am surprised." Ruby said. "I never thought you would come on time." She managed to glance at the antique wooden clock that was hanging on the wall. It was seven fifteen in the morning.

Blake widened his smile, "You asked me to come at seven right? Well, I didn't really like someone invading my space. So…here I am." He winked with a double meaning.

"Great!" Ruby stood up, slightly widened her eyes looking at Amber, "We will talk later…" She bobbed her head and pursed a straight smile. Actually Ruby's heart was slightly anxious with Blake's sudden appearance but she tried to hide it. "Let's go, breakfast."

Blake stood up, following his grandmother. "Grandma…" He stopped at the door and Ruby, who was already out of the room, turned back looking at him.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Are you going to do the same thing to her if I bring her into this family?" The question that had been bugging his mind for a while. The reason why he hid Marissa from his grandmother as best as he could.

"What do you mean by that?" Her eyes furrowed instantly. She didn't expect the question to come.

"You know what I mean…" He said, raising his brow.

"If you mention this thing because of that woman…the answer is no." Ruby sighed after answering. She hated to remember anything about that woman but whatever it was, the woman was still Blake's mother.

"You know that I wouldn't sit still this time right?" He gave her a warning. The warning he couldn't give when he was a kid.

"Up to you…" She turned and walked down the stairs, full of disappointment.

Ruby was already seated on the chair when Blake reached the table. Instead of sitting down, he just stood beside the table and said, "You settle with Larisa's family. You plan this marriage. I never agree with it."

Blake walked away a few steps but stopped when Ruby called him.

"It is like a coincidence right?" Ruby raised her head looking at Blake's back. He didn't turn his head. "Marissa and Larisa…" She giggled.

Blake didn't find that interesting enough for him to continue the conversation. He gave her a short cold glance and walked away from there.

A silence that fell into the dining room made Ruby's heart full of sadness. She just wanted to have a conversation over breakfast but maybe not this time.

Blake's phone had been vibrating for a while but he just noticed it now. Perhaps because he was too focused on dealing with his grandmother, he missed the call. Pulling out the phone from his pocket, he saw Marissa's number. "Yes Marisa…" He quickly answered the call.

"I'm sorry to disturb you early in the morni-"

"No, no. It is okay." He cut it right away. He really never expected her call this early in the morning after what had happened yesterday.

"Hmm…" Marissa paused for a few seconds, gathering her courage to tell him the reason for her call, "Can we meet for a while?"

"Sure." He answered without hesitation, "Tell me where are you now…"

Hearing a slight excitement in his voice, she hesitated and became silent.

"Marissa…?" Blake called her name to make sure she was still on the line.

"Yes…" She replied short.

"Tell me. I will go there…" Blake said it once again.

She breathed in then said, "Hospital. Can you come to the GreenPrince Hospital?"

Blake, who was walking to his car, stopped his move hearing the word hospital. "Did you get hurt? Wait there, I'm coming right away." He entered the car and hung up the phone.

"No no, it is not me." Marissa was trying to explain when the other line became silent. She sighed and looked at her side.

Micky, who was curious, immediately asked, "Why? He hangs up on you?"

"Yes, because he thought I was the one who got hurt. I didn't manage to explain…" The frustration Marissa felt made her sighed a lot.

"So, he is coming here?" He still didn't get the clear answer whether he would help or not.

"Yes, he is coming here." She swiped her hair to the back.

"That's great. If you feel like you can't explain it, let me do the explanation." Micky felt the urge as the doctor told them that they need to operate on their mother as soon as possible as her mother's condition suddenly didn't look too good.

"No!" Marissa strongly refused. "I will tell him and ask for help. That is the proper way."

"Okay." Micky clasped both of his hands and looked on the floor hoping there was a hope for their mother.

About fifteen minutes later, Blake arrived in front of them. The distance between his grandmother Villa and the hospital was supposed to take 20 to 25 minutes considering the traffic. He didn't know how he drove the car but all he could think at that moment was Marissa and the urge to arrive at the hospital as early as he could.

Marissa stood up right away upon seeing him.

"Where did you get hurt?" Blake held her shoulders and turned her to the left and right to check her body condition. "What happened?" He asked as he couldn't find any scratches or injury in her body.

"It's not me…" She paused, giving a little glance at Micky at her side. "It is my mom."

"Your mom?!" He was surprised.

"She hurt her head and is in need of an operation…" She stopped, biting her lips. Inhaling, she looked straight into Blake's eyes, "Blake…can I ask for your help?" Marissa's voice was shaky.

Without hesitation, Blake nodded. "Just tell me. I will gladly help you."

"Can I borrow some money?" Her eyes caught his reaction and her mouth immediately continued, "I will get married to you in return!"

Micky was shocked, that was not in their discussion. "Sis!"

While Blake, he didn't utter any word. It was because Marissa's words was too shocking for him to reply right away.