The First Kiss

"Hmm…" Blake titled his head, anxiously thinking of the best answer he could give at that moment.

"Not sure?" She blinked her droopy eyes slowly. "Should we try again?"

Blake was shocked, "Try what? You are too drunk…" He pinched her cheeks.

"I am not drunk…" Marissa slapped his hands from her cheeks and got up to sit on the couch. Her eyes were squinted and her lips were pouty looking at him. "That lips, why does it keep on calling me?"

He smiled and a wide one. How could she behave like this every time she drank? That was why he preferred her to get drunk only in front of him. Afraid this kind of behaviour would attract men who love to take advantage.

"What do my lips say?" He leaned forward.

Marissa lifted her chin and looked up. "Hmm…" She stared hard at his lips, "Hmm…I don't know…"

"You don't know?" Blake looked at her, who behaved so adorable even when she was drunk. How he wished he could hug, lift her up and bring her to his bed. He would love to embrace this cutie until the next morning.

Marissa nodded several times. "But Blake, does it taste sweet?" She touched his lips using her finger.

"Well…I don't know either…" He sat on the floor and crossed his legs. "Want to try them?" He was half joking and half anticipated. He knew she would forget about all of this next morning, that was why he had the courage to say that.

She nodded with her eyes closed shortly. "Can I?"

It would be a lie if he didn't expect that. He raised his brow in surprise hearing those but slightly felt happy. "Sure…" He answered that right away. Obviously, his heart was so eager to kiss her that he couldn't hide it anymore.

Moving, he kneeled. He took her hands and wrapped them around his neck, "Ready?" He could feel her breath on his face.

Quiet, their eyes locked. Blake moved closer until their lips touched each other. He should have held himself but he couldn't. He knew he shouldn't take advantage of her drunk state but he couldn't. His heart wouldn't allow that. "Are you sure you would not regret this?" He could feel her warm breath touch his skin.

Marissa answered with her lips. She gave him a short kiss and casually said, "It tastes bland…"

Blake laughed instead of being mad. "That's not how you kiss Marissa…"

"Ah…then how?" Marissa looked at him with her droopy eyes. Before going there, she drank a can of beer. She was actually not drunk, the first can of beer she wanted to drink spilled and messed up her T-shirt. That was where the smell came from.

"This, this is how you kiss." He cupped her cheeks and inclined his face toward hers as his lips laid on her lips.

The warm and soft taste of his lips widened Marissa's eyes hastily. She was exhausted before but at that moment she was wide awake. Honestly when Blake was talking to himself, she was already awake and when he all of sudden left a peck she was utterly shocked. She couldn't open her eyes at that time perhaps because she was stunned but some part of herself wanted to clarify something.

Marissa's lips stiffened. As Blake continued exploring every part of her lips, she could feel spark igniting in her heart. The smell of his perfume and the touch of his fingers that carding through her hairs gave her wild trembling along her nerves.

Blake stopped to take a breath and as both of their chest were heaving up and down, he could feel her breath softly tickle beneath his nose. "Did it still taste bland?" He asked with his nose brushed into hers.

Marissa's eyes were shaky looking at Blake. The eyes were saying everything, the anxiousness, excitement and the layer of sensation she felt from that temporary moment.

Their position was supposed to be uncomfortable but they ignored the fact and continued their staring contest. Kneeling down beside the couch, Blake's hands remained on her cheeks.

"What is this?" That question was supposed to remain in Marissa's head but she uttered that question out and surprised herself.

"Why?" His lips stayed, brushing onto hers while he was finding another perfect moment for him to land another kiss. At that moment Blake really wanted to once again devour the sweetness on her lips.

The air surrounding them was cold but their breath touching each other's faces was warm. Before Marissa's mind could wander around, his lips once again stole a kiss. Softly at first, he became slightly greedy and deepened the kiss as he slid her trembling lips open. The intensity made Marissa cling onto his neck. Before she could indulge herself in a dizzy swaying world, Blake lifted her up.

He didn't let her lips go, not even a second. He continued while opening the room's door by kicking it. She was nervous but naturally returned the kiss. They kissed passionately, like a kid who just knew the sweet taste of candy.

Slowly put her down on the bed, he let her lips go. Their eyes didn't move from each other and Marissa felt like her heart was going to jump off from her chest. She just realised something, she broke a record. The record that no one knew, the first kiss. She dated a lot, but they never went more than three months and they only went as far as holding hands.

Blake leaned and made their bodies pressed together heatedly against the bed. He looked so determined and his eyes showed like he would go all the way that moment. "Can-"

Ring! Ring!

His damn phone disturbed their moment. Blake pulled it out from his pocket and saw Tony's name appeared on the screen. He swiped it to reject the call and put it on the bed. His eyes returned to Marissa but not even ten seconds passed, the phone rang again and this time Marissa turned and saw Tony's name appeared on the screen.

She pushed him aside quickly, recalling something. "Ah we shouldn't do this."