
"No, wait." Blake held Marissa's hand when she already got off of the bed.

Marissa looked down at his phone that was ringing on his hand, "Your phone. He must be waiting…"

Blake didn't let his hand go and he kept on staring at her. Marissa was trying hard to remove the grip from her wrist but it seemed a little too tight. Her heart beat faster than earlier when Blake's stare became sharp. It was like he was ready to eat her, not in a good way though.

"Blake…" She said, sounding a little pleading.

"Sit, we need to talk." He pulled her and made her sit on the bed. The phone in his hand kept on shouting to be picked up. He finally answered it after making sure Marissa wouldn't move and Tony should know that he was not that pleased from the tone of his voice, "What is it?"

"I found her." Tony sounded hurried. Perhaps because he called so many times before Blake picked up, there was a slight annoyance in his voice.

"Who?" Blake asked indifferently.

Tony snickered in disbelief, "Your mom. You urged me to find her and this is your reaction?"

Blake's eyes widened in an instant. "Where?"

"I saw her half an hour ago in the low cost apartment in Wimby City but…" Tony paused, thinking of the words to explain better, "hmm…but when I checked all the resident details, there was no one with the name Laura."

"Send me the details and your location, now!" Blake hung up the phone and rushed to the door leaving Marissa perplexed. Suddenly remembering Marissa, he stopped the moment he turned the doorknob. "Ah I'm sorry, something urgent came up. Stay here. Stay until I come back." He opened the door and left. Leaving Marissa speechless.

"Huh?" Marissa looked around the empty room. "He left me after reeling me in?" She scoffed in disbelief and looked on the floor. Seeing a pair of slippers beside the bed, she took one of it and threw it at the door "And do you think I will wait here like a fool?"


The slipper landed straight on Blake's face. He opened the door right on time and it hit him. Feeling guilty, Marissa's eyes quickly looked on the other side.

"Are you angry?" Blake headed in. He returned to the room when he couldn't find his wallet. As he couldn't find it in the living room, he wanted to search the room. Never expecting a slipper on his face right after he opened the door, he could only chuckle with Marissa's action.

"Nope…" She smiled, clearly an annoying one. "See…I am sooo happy right now." She stood up and went out of the room.

Blake rushed and held her hand, "I'm sorry, it just something urgent came up."

Sighed, Marissa looked on the floor. She didn't want to look straight at Blake. It was either she felt mad or she felt guilty, Marissa herself didn't know the exact emotion she felt at that moment. "It's okay, you can just go. He must be waiting for you."

"He?" Blake frowned then huffed, "There is a thing that I need to clear with you but I am really in a hurry. So can you please stay here and wait for me."

"No! Why should I?" Her expression looked mad again and it made Blake confused.

It was hard to read her mind even though they had been friends for ten years. Maybe it's just woman nature who is difficult to understand. "Then do you want me to send you home first?" Blake asked.

"No thanks." She took her handbag, fixed her t-shirt and walked to the front door.

"I will send you home." He reached for her hand and clasped them together.

Marissa was stunned, "Excuse me Mr. Always Make Me Confused, what are you doing right now?"

He lifted their hands and said, "Holding hands?"

Not satisfied with his answer, Marissa bit her lower lip. "You might think this is nothing, but what about him?"

"We held hands a lot before, you are okay with that though." He said, making an expression that didn't see anything wrong with them holding hands.

"That was before but now I don't feel it is okay." Marissa pulled her hand and rushed out.

"Why why why?" Blake followed from the back and irritated her more.

She stopped, thumping her feet and shouted. "Blake!"

"What?!" He held his smile and followed her action by thumping his feet too.

Thud! She just kicked his leg without him expecting that. "I don't know you could be this annoying." Marissa ran as fast as she could and pushed the elevator button. Right at that moment, the door opened and she managed to close them before he could catch up. She was so satisfied after kicking Blake. The man who insisted on making her confused for the damn ten years.

The elevator door opened and she walked to the bus stop to reach for a taxi. "Don't tell me…" She frowned, talking to herself. Blake's behaviour really was confusing. He sometimes made her think that he was into her but then he kept on going to see Tony and made her puzzled. "Is he?" She turned and looked up at Blake's apartment. "Ah I don't care." Continue her walked to the bus stop.

"Miss Marissa?" A woman stopped her car and rolled down the window. The woman looking at Marissa, who was sitting at the bus stop with a friendly expression.

Marissa didn't feel comfortable being approached by strangers even though they were women. She fixed her sit posture and nodded hesitantly.

That woman smiled, "I am Larisa, can we talk?"

Her forehead wrinkled while frowning. Larisa? The name was unfamiliar and she thought that was the first time she heard the name. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are."

Larisa expected that answer. She would also do the same thing. At first she came here because she wanted to meet Blake. She went to his penthouse but he was not there, so she resolved to do this when he didn't answer her call. "I am Blake's fiancé…"

The word 'fiancé' sent Marissa into shock. This was the first time she heard about Blake's fiancé. She never knew he was already engaged and she didn't know why she felt her heart breaking slowly.