Do You Love Him?

Larisa's car sped away while Blake ran from his apartment to the bus stop. He rushed down when he finished talking to Tony but was shocked when he saw Marissa enter the car. Seeing the plate number he cursed. 'What did she want this time?'

He pulled out her phone and dialled Larisa's number. One time, it was rejected. He called again but his call was still rejected after the third time. In the end, he dialled Marissa's number.

"Get out of the car now." Blake uttered the moment Marissa picked up his call.

"I don't think I need to obey your words." Marissa said. She was saying those words slowly.

"Marissa…" Softly called her name, he hoped she listened to him.

"Why? Is there anything that I am not supposed to know?" Marissa's voice was in monotone. She didn't feel good with the information she just found out. The fact he asked her to get married when he already had a fiancé made her irked.

"Get off first, I will wait-"

Silence. Blake couldn't finish his words when the call was cut off. Marissa hang up.

"Ah damn it!" Everything was going out of his way. Nothing went as he planned. Tony was taking too long of his time explaining about her mother and that's made him late on catching up on Marissa. While Larisa, he never thought she would come here.

Now his mind was messed up. He didn't know Larisa's intention on meeting Marissa. A week dealing with his grandmother was causing him enough headache and now Larissa appeared out of nowhere.


Larisa parked the car then glanced at her side, "Would you be okay here?" She pointed at the coffee shop.

"Sure." Marissa nodded, taking a look at the shop Larisa pointed to. Honestly, she was nervous. A lot of things were playing on her mind at that moment. She was already thinking on how to protect herself if she was attacked. Who knows? She might be labelled as a bitch who snatched someone's fiancé.

Heading inside, she could see that the coffee shop was not like the normal coffee shop. To tell the truth she rarely went to one. She wouldn't want to waste her money for a cup of coffee that she could spend on her breakfast or maybe lunch.

Marissa suddenly recalled something when the smell reached her nose. She looked at her t-shirt and jeans then sighed. The smell of beer on her shirt. She could only curse in her mind. Looking at Larisa, she could spot the obvious difference between both of them. "I'm sorry, I spilled beer on my shirt. So I kind of…" She gave her an awkward smile explaining the smell that was coming from her.

"Oh no, it is okay. The smell is not that strong." Larisa said, assuring her.

'Ah pretty face with a beautiful heart.' Marissa praised Larissa in her heart. It was clearly a lie, she could smell the stench without much effort.

"One cappuccino." Larisa ordered her drink when the waiter came. She then looked at Marissa and raised her brow, asking for her order.

"Ah, a cup of plain water." Having left with 5$ in her purse, plain water was enough.

Thinking perhaps Marissa didn't really drink coffee or something sweet, Larisa just let it pass.

After the waiter walked away, Larisa started to open her mouth, trying to start a conversation. "I was told by grandma…" She paused, pursing a straight line smile. "Blake broke off our engagement for you."

"Oh…" That was the only thing she could utter from her mouth. Surprised, yes she was. First, she didn't know Blake was engaged and second, she didn't know that Blake asked to break the engagement.

"Don't worry. I didn't come here to attack you like the thing that we always watched happened in drama." She laughed a little and ended with an eye smile.

Marissa laughed together but it was so awkward she stopped after a few times. "I didn't know he was engaged. I'm sorry…" The apology was out of her mouth. Even though she thought she was not wrong in any way, she felt the need for the apology because the engagement was broken after she agreed with Blake's plan.

"No no no…" Larisa waved her hands, telling that she was not blaming her in this case. "I came to meet Blake at first but then I saw you. Honestly…" She paused, forced an awkward smile once again, "I didn't have any reason to meet you but I still did…"

Silence, Marissa patiently waiting for Larisa to continue her words. She couldn't say she understood her because this never happened in her life but she could say she felt what she felt as a fellow woman.

"Don't get Blake wrong. We didn't get engaged because we loved each other." She giggled but even when she smiled, the eyes still showed the hint of sadness. "When I saw your picture, I understood immediately."

"My picture?" Marissa was surprised when she mentioned a picture but then she came to realise, she was dealing with rich person.

"Ops, sorry. I got a little information about you." That was true, she didn't find the need to lie. When she learnt about Marissa from Ruby, the first thing she did was find her picture. Was she more pretty than her? Was it worth it for Blake to break the engagement? A lot of questions played on her mind.

Marissa nodded. That was how the rich always did though, so nothing new to her.

"You are beautiful, even beautiful in real life." Larisa honestly praised the beauty in front of her.

She actually surrendered when she looked at her picture. The fact that even being a woman herself, she finds her beautiful, let alone men, who must fall for her everyday.

The blushed on Marissa's cheek instantly visible when she received such a compliment. "You are beautiful too…" That was the common phrase women said when she was complimented by others. She didn't know what more to say, so all this while, she remained silent and let Larisa say what she wanted to say

The waiter came and served their drinks. Marissa looked outside and saw it was almost dusk. She found the silence was unpleasant and thought hard of the excuse to go back.

"So, can I ask something? If you don't mind." Larisa put the cup down after sipping her drink.

Marissa, who was turning the glass in her hand, stopped and raised her face. "Sure, go on."

"Do you love him?"