Find Someone Else

The question had been lingering in Marissa's mind since then. She walked slowly to her house after being dropped by Larisa earlier. When the question was being asked, she could only blink her eyes in daze and smile, hiding her own emotion. Until the moment she stood in front of her house door, the question didn't have an answer.

Marissa opened the door and was surprised by the things that were filling up almost the space of their living room. "What is all of this?" She asked looking at Micky who was sitting on the sofa.

"Your future husband sent them." He paused, smiling. "I think I am starting to like him." Micky reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. "Gift from him."

Frowning, Marissa was wondering what the key was for. "Blake? And what key is that?"

Micky stood up and walked past her, "Let me show you…" He headed to the door.

Both of them were standing in the corridor outside their house and Micky was pointing at a motorcycle that was parked at the motorcycle parking lot. "See the red one, it is beautiful right?" He blinked his eyes annoyingly at Marissa.

"You are easy to buy." Marissa turned and went back into the house.

She walked past all the paper back and sat on the sofa. "Where is mom?"

"She is resting in her room." He took a seat on the floor and pulled out a supplement from one of the paper bags. "He bought a lot of supplements for mom."

Sighing, she didn't answer. Marissa just staring blank at the empty wall. She was tired. Tired with all the things that happened for the whole day. From being kidnapped, Blake's Grandma offended her pride and then Blake who was confusing the hell of her feelings. Not enough with that, she was surprised with the fact Blake was engaged.

Honestly, she was sad but the tears seemed to disappear and she was left dazed in sadness. What was wrong with her life? Where did it go wrong?

"Oh, he told me to inform you about a job at the hotel. He couldn't reach you. Did your phone run out of battery?" Micky asked while leaning to the back.

Marissa glanced shortly. No, she eventually turned off the phone when Blake kept on calling. "Job?" She frowned, did not understand.

"Oh?" Micky tilted his head slightly. "You didn't know?"

"What? Can't you just explain. I'm too tired to ask many times." Her brow furrowed and she then rested her head on the sofa.

"He said, he found a job for you at the hotel, Black Lotus Hotel." He crossed his leg, looking serious. "And I asked him if he had any vacancy for me too."

Marissa immediately raised her head, "Why so suddenly?" She looked confused. All this while when she asked him for a job, his answer was always a shake of head.

"How do I know? You should ask him yourself." Micky sensed the tension in Marissa's eyes.

"Okay." She answered weakly. Standing up she trudged to her room and closed the door, leaving Micky alone in the living room.

Micky took his phone and sent a message to Blake. [ She is home.]

Not long after, his phone rang. "Yes."

"Is she okay?" Blake asked in concern.

"Okay? In what terms?" Micky actually could already feel something was wrong with her sister since she arrived just now but he just refused to ask. Making a space for her to calm down.

"I mean…okay in general?" Blake was hesitating. He didn't know how to ask.

"Well, her body parts are still intact to each other and yeah, I think she is okay." He joked in response to Blake's question.

"No, I mean…" He huffed, taking a second to continue, "Her emotional state?"

Micky got it but he just wanted to check on something. "Did you hurt my sister?"

"Hurt? What do you mean? I didn't do anything to her. Did she say something?" Blake's reaction that he replied on the spot made Micky's eyes narrowed in curiosity.

"If I know you do something to her. Don't ever dream of marrying her." He threatened Blake. Actually, he never had a problem with Blake but he was just curious on why her sister and Blake remained best friends for the whole ten years. Both of their eyes showed they were fond of each other.

"You know I will never do that." Blake spit the truth. How could he hurt the one he loves?

"No, I don't." Choosing to annoy Blake, his answer was blunt. "I don't know what exactly is on your mind but I could see that your eyes are more honest than your mouth."

"I don't understand…" Blake replied.

"Ask your heart." Micky paused for a moment and shouted all of sudden, "Ah! That is so cringey!" He didn't know how those words were coming out from his mouth.

Despite Micky's reaction to his own words, Blake was silenced on the other line. He was thinking of what was being said by Micky just now. It was true but it was also not like he wanted to hide his feelings. It just his timing was always off. If it was not something came up on his side, it would be something else. Something like the Marissa family's problem.

"Hello? Are you still there?" Micky asked, half sarcastic.

"Yes." He answered short. "Thanks bro, I will call you again later." He said, wanted to hang up.

"Wait, wait." Micky stopped him from ending the call. "The job for my sister you told me earlier, what kind of job is it?" When Marissa showed that kind of reaction when he told her before, he was a little worried.

"Oh, receptionist." Blake gave him an answer. Even though he argued with his grandmother when he heard she put her in the receptionist, he gave up when she once again threatened to proceed with his marriage with Larisa.

"Receptionist?" Micky couldn't hide his surprise from his tone. He took a few seconds before saying, "So, having someone like you by her side couldn't even help her getting a privilege?" He chuckled. He didn't say it out of being sarcastic. He honestly loved the fact that they couldn't always get what they wanted just because they had someone like him as a connection. "Okay, I will relay the info to her."

Blake hung up. He stared at the screen phone that was now showing the time, nine in the evening. It was not like he didn't try calling Marissa before calling Micky but it was still off. He was worried.

Earlier, he went there with a handful of hands just as an excuse to visit Marissa's mother. Disappointed when he heard Marissa was still not home, he tried calling Larisa once again. No answer until he received a message from her ten minutes earlier, telling that she was already sending Marissa's home.

The message notification that suddenly appeared on the screen widened Blake's eyes. It was from Marissa. Opening the message, he felt his heart drop.

[I am okay, don't worry. About marriage, I think you will need to find someone else to help you and I promise I will pay the money I owe you as soon as possible.]