My Biggest Secret

The light was switched on and the house that was brightened because of that seemed so quiet. Blake carefully put Marissa down on the sofa.

Marissa fell asleep right after she said what she wanted to say and Blake was left frustrated. He thought she was silent because she didn't want it but instead, she was already falling deep in her dreams.

Gently fixing her leg that was slightly falling off the sofa, he smiled. The face that he missed like crazy over the past week. He brushed the hair off her beautiful face and left a peck on her forehead.

Knowing he shouldn't leave her on the sofa, he looked around and saw the rooms. He was sure the room on the left was Marissa's since her mother came from the right one when he visited the last time. Heading to the room, he opened the door and quickly switched on the light. Everything in the room became visible to his eyes.

It was just a small room. He could say it was a little small then his bathroom at his second house. His eyes caught on the frame that was placed on the dressing table. The man in the picture looked like him. Blake bent his body and confirmed it was really him. The picture was taken at their school graduation.

Ring! Ring!

The ring from a phone made him turn right away and walk out of the room. Blake was sure it was Marissa's phone because of the ringtone. He rummaged through her sling bag that was still on her.

Mom! That was the name that appeared on the screen. He stared at the phone blankly and then turned to the room that was supposed to be Marissa's mother's room. 'Why is she calling? Should I knock on the door to tell her we are here?'

The call ended with him hesitating to answer. He stood up and ended knocking on the door.

Knock knock!

No answer. He did it about three times but all of the knock ended with silence. Worried, he opened the door right away. All he could think about at that time was, she might be in danger and couldn't walk, that was why she called her instead. Dark and quiet, that was the thing that greeted him the moment he stepped in the room.

"Auntie?" He switched on the light while he kept on calling her.

The room was empty. Wanda was not there. He was now getting the meaning of her words earlier. Since no one was home, only the dark greeted her when she came back.

"What are you doing?" Marissa asked, standing behind his back.

Shocked, he really didn't realise when she got there. "Where is your mom?"

"Mom?" Her face frowned trying to understand the question. "Ah…she is back to our hometown." She smiled, maybe she felt better sending Wanda to her auntie instead of her living here with no one to look after her.

"Oh I didn't know that." The words slipped out of his mouth. Usually he kept Marissa and her family under someone's supervision but last week he asked him to stop.

"Did you know everything?" Marissa asked, looking all innocent.

"No, not all, including your heart." He stepped forward.

"Hmm…my heart." She held her chest. "Wait…is it here or here?" She held her right chest first then went to the left.

Blake put his hand in the middle but slightly to her left chest, "Here…"

"Ah…" She giggled then waved her hand calling him to come near. "Since I know your secret, should I tell you one?"

"What is it?" The smile appeared on Blake's face the moment he saw her cuteness overload.

Stepping forward, Marissa tiptoes to reach Blake's ear. "Ah, get a little down…" She nagged when she couldn't reach his ear level.

"Okay okay…" He lifted her up instead of bending down to match his eyes, "Tell me now…"

"I am not a lightweight." Marissa whispered to his ears.

Moving his head and looking back at her, Blake couldn't understand what she meant by that. "Lightweight?"

She nodded hard about two times and pursed her plum lips. "Shhh…" She put her finger on her mouth, "Just now, hmm…I think Jane said the name of the drink is Soju." She paused, then cupped his cheeks, "It took me three bottles to make me drunk." She giggled again.

Blake's eyes opened wide when he heard about that. All this time, when he thought she was drunk, was it an act?

She nodded all of sudden. "Yes yes yes." She smiled widely to the confused Blake. "I never easily…get drunk…over mojito…hik…"

Blake huffed in disbelief. The drunk confession that was made by Marissa really made him speechless. 'Then all the things that happened in the past, she was sobered?'

"So…it is now fair…" She touched his nose slightly, "One to one…"

Still in the speechless state, Blake put her down and she was staggering. Holding her hands right away to make her stabilise, he said, "Then should I let out another secret?"

"Huh?" She tilted her head adorably and it made Blake's anger slightly reduced. "Do you have any more secrets?"

"Well…the secret that you know is not my secret anyway." Blake told her in a confused way.

The wrinkles appeared when Marissa's frown. "Not your secret? Then who?" She bit her lower lips to keep her eyes opened.

"It is yours. I never said it was my secret."

Marissa became more confused and the headache made it worse. She slapped hard on her cheeks to stay conscious.

"Hey, hey, don't…" Blake stopped her from slapping herself.

"Blake…" She called for him.

"Hmm?" He leaned his head closer to her face.

"I really want to hear your secret…but you see…" Marissa staggered while pointing to her eyes that were half closed.

"Ah!" He screamed because he couldn't handle her cute drunk act.

Her eyes were opened hearing Blake's scream but it was not long, it was slowly closing down again. "You make me startled."

"Should I continue to make you startled so you could hear my secret?" He leaned closer to her lips.

"Hmm…nevermind…just tell me. I will try to keep my eyes open." She said those words while her eyes were completely closed.

He couldn't proceed and ended with only a peck on her lips. "Keep your ears open, listen properly, I'm going to tell you my biggest secret…"

She nodded.

"I am not gay."