What Happened Last Night?

"I will come to the office a little late today. If there is anything urgent, call me." Blake said, taking his clothes that were brought by his secretary. "And thanks for this." He raised the breakfast that was brought along with his attire. He totally forgot about that but thanks to his secretary, Archer, he didn't need to order any food delivery for breakfast

"Welcome sir." He stepped back, excusing himself.

"Archer…grandma, did she ask you anything?" Blake stopped him. Before this, he had a doubt on Archer. He thought he was the one who was giving his information to Ruby but his guess was wrong. It was someone else, the one that he still couldn't find until that moment.

"Her secretary, Amber." Archer looked serious, "She asked me something the other day."

"Really?" He was surprised. They were not hiding their intentions anymore. "What is it?"

"Are you and Miss Marissa breaking up?" Archer was not asking, he was just repeating the question. He was always like that, kind of like a robot, and didn't show much emotion.

"Ah…and your answer?" Blake was not surprised. He was expecting that since he had been quiet for more than a week. They must be so eager and curious about what had happened.

"I don't know, sir." He gave Blake a feeble smile upon saying his answer. The smile that would not be considered as a smile if they didn't know him.

"You did a good job." Blake tapped on his shoulder and grinned. Working with Archer for around four months now, he seemed to grasp what kind of personality he had. Glad to have him as his secretary, he felt like they would click well.

Back into the house, he put the food on the table. He then rushed to check if Marissa was done bathing. He needed to take a wash too. Just now, he was only covering himself with a towel. Yes, a towel that only covered from his belly button to his knees.

Marissa was taking too long. He knocked on the bathroom door to check on her, "Are you taking a bath for a week?"

She shouted from inside, "Yes! And do you have a problem with that?"

"Yes, I have a problem with that! You should have let me join in!" He shouted with a big grin on his face.

"Stop dreaming!" She replied, annoyed.

Blake's laughter erupted. Back to her room, he sat on the bed that barely fit the both of them last night. Honestly, he loved the fact that they were cramped on the bed. Smiling, he recalled the thing that happened last night.

The moment he revealed that he was not a gay, Marissa's rounded eyes looked at him looking so anxious. He was afraid of her reaction so he moved closer to her but Marissa all of sudden threw up on his shirt. A lot, a lot of puke that stained both of their clothes. Even though he had a hard time cleaning, he was happy with everything. Thanks puke!

"Blake!" Marissa shouted from the bathroom. She gave up and decided he was the only help she could ask at that moment.

"What?" He arrived like lightning in front of the door. Considering the square feet of the house, it made sense for him to arrive that fast in front of the bathroom. "Changing your mind?"

"That will definitely not cross my mind." She said, narrowing her eyes, sending him a warning. The gap on the door that she left opened to talk to him only showing her nose and above. Marissa tilted her head and hid her body behind the door. "Help me."

"Is that the attitude of someone who is asking for help?" He crossed his arms and leaned to the wall outside the bathroom.

The level of her irritation was now reaching her head. "So, is that the attitude of someone who was just confessing his love to me?"

He gasped at the counter attack and chuckled. "Ah this is why I love you…"

"Aww…what a compliment." She frowned, sarcastically replied to him.

He smiled, "What is it? What do you want me to help?" Blake moved back to the front of the door and was ready to listen.

"Can you…" She paused, biting her lips, thinking whether she should ask or not.

"Can I…?" He repeated her words when she paused a little too long.

"Can you help me get my clothes…" Marissa ended up asking for his help. She couldn't stay in this bathroom forever.

"Don't you bring them just now?" He raised his brows.

The question was answered by shaking her head. She was too afraid to be eaten just now and all she could grab at that time was her towel.

Blake looked at her with a sudden sly smile, "Just get it yourself. I don't know which clothes to take." He walked away and went straight back to Marissa's room.

"Blake!" She shouted once but he did not respond. "Blake!" She did it again, but he continued to ignore her.

"You have your towel!" Blake was holding his laughter. He loved their situation right now. It had been a while they were arguing like this with each other, so he missed the moment.

"No!" She answered with her voice cracking when shouting.

"Let's start with 'Couple towel' !" He ended up laughing at his own joke. Instead of a couple t-shirts, they could start with towels.

Marissa slammed the toilet lid hard to make sure he heard it. 'How could I miss that crazy man?'

Three minutes passed, Marissa just staring on the floor didn't want to get out of the bathroom. The towel was too small. It covered from her chest to slightly down her bottom. No! She would not get out of the bathroom looking like that.

"Here…your clothes. I just take-"

Marissa stood up right away when Blake suddenly barged in and because of her, Blake couldn't finish his words.

"How did you come in?" Marissa asked, shocked.

"You didn't lock it." He is just telling the truth.

"You should knock first!" Crossing her arms in front of her chest, her eyes opened wide.

"I did." He looked elsewhere, lying. He knocked once and it was a weak one.

"I didn't hear them." She didn't believe him and her eyes immediately furrowed. "Give me…" asking to take the clothes from Blake's hand, she held out her hand.

"Here…" He was full of tricks. He wanted to tease her more so he handed them out a little bit far from her and Marissa needed to move forward.

As expected, she walked forward and tried to reach for the clothes and at that right moment he raised them up.

"Seriously?" Marissa sighed in annoyance and decided to just walk past him. She walked out of the bathroom, leaving Blake out of words.