Chapter 6: Getting Recruited

  After taking care of Cook, Hardy walked home, passing by the Los Angeles River. He took out his gun, skillfully disassembled it, and threw the parts into the river.

  Destroying the evidence.

  Even if someone accuses him of murder in the future, as long as the murder weapon isn't found, his crime would be greatly mitigated, and he might even be acquitted.

  He took out a watch box, put on a Rolex watch on his wrist, and threw the box far into the river.


  Back at Bill's place, Hardy opened the stove and burned all his clothes. It was a pity about the new suit and wool coat, he had only worn them for a few days and had spent over seventy dollars on them.

  He washed off the blood in the bathroom, and laid down on the bed, feeling comfortable. In the past, on the battlefield, every battle was a matter of life and death, and after the fighting, there was no time to rest properly. It wasn't as comfortable as now.

  He didn't know how Bill was doing.

  He would check on him when the light of the morning comes out, hoping his brother could pull through. Either way, he had avenged Bill.

   Hardy quickly fell asleep and woke up again at around nine in the morning.

  He got up, washed up, and went out to a restaurant to order breakfast, also grabbing a newspaper.

  Opening the newspaper, the headline immediately caught his attention.

  "Gunfight on Brown Street, Six Dead in the Shootout!"

  The newspaper featured photos of police loading bodies into vehicles, and the article speculated that the six victims were all members of a Spanish gang, likely killed in gang violence. This incident might lead to a new wave of gang conflicts in Los Angeles, warning citizens to be cautious.

  The police chief was interviewed, assuring the public of safety and promising to catch the killer.

  Hardy went to the newspaper stand, flipping through several newspapers from the day, all reporting on last night's shooting.

  He carefully read the contents; there wasn't much useful information in the newspapers, but some mentioned that the FBI suspected it was the work of a single person.

  At that moment, Hardy overheard a conversation nearby.

  "Hey, did you guys see the news this morning? Six guys from the Spanish gang got taken out."

  "Of course, I saw it. It's on the front page of every LA newspaper."

  "I knew that Cook guy, he was a fierce character. He was even someone in the Red Dani gang. Can't believe he was taken out like that. Wonder who he pissed off."

  "There must've been another gang. Maybe we'll see some gang wars breaking out for real. Protecting the public safety, my ass. They're just better at collecting money."

  Bill slowly opened his eyes.

  Sean and Ried stood nearby. When they saw Bill wake up, they jumped up excitedly. Ried exclaimed, "Boss, you're finally awake! I was worried you were going to meet God."


  Sean gave Ried a smack on the head.

  "Can't you say something nicer?"

  Ried innocently rubbed the back of his head.

  But Bill didn't seem to mind. Weakly smiling, he said, "Maybe God doesn't want me to die so soon."

  Sean asked Ried to call the doctor, and shortly after, Dr. Murphy arrived.

  After examining Bill, Dr. Murphy nodded and said, "Congratulations on making it through. I wasn't sure if you would last, but your physical condition is good."

  "Rest well for three or four months, and you'll be back on your feet. But be careful in the future, you won't be lucky every time."

  Dr. Murphy left the room, and Bill looked towards the door, whispering to Sean, "The doctor's gone. Get me a cigarette."

  "Boss, the doctor said no smoking," Sean replied.

  "Enough talk. If I can't live freely, I'd rather be dead," Bill cursed.

  Sean handed Bill a cigarette. Bill took a puff, coughed suddenly, and his wound throbbed in pain.

  "Damn it, Cook. Attacking me like that. Once I'm healed, I'll find him and make him pay," Bill cursed.

  "Boss, Cook is already dead," Laid said.

  Bill was surprised. "Cook is dead? What happened?"

  Sean took out a newspaper from his pocket, opened it, and handed it to Bill. The newspaper reported that Spanish gang leader Cook and five of his men were killed at home, suspected to be a result of gang conflict.

  After reading it, Bill glanced at Sean.

  "Was it our gang?"

  Sean shook his head.

  "I doubt it. In the early hours, the higher-ups asked us if we had done it. We still don't know who did it, but I have to admit, whoever did it was skilled, taking out Cook and six others alone."

  Hardy finished breakfast and returned to the private clinic. Opening the ward door, he saw Bill chatting with Sean and Ried and felt relieved.

  "Bill, you're awake." Hardy hurried to the bedside.

  "Jon, you're here."

  Bill was very happy to see his best friend.

  Hardy checked Bill's condition. Although pale, he looked spirited, he probably wouldn't die.

  "Seeing you last night, I was really afraid you might die," Hardy said, patting Bill's shoulder, then taking out an envelope from his pocket.

  "Congratulations on coming back to life. I brought a gift for you."

  "What is it?"

  Bill looked curiously at the envelope.


  "It was this thing that got you hurt. I brought it back for you."

  Bill took the large envelope and opened it, inside were various bills—tens, twenties, hundreds. Bill's heart stirred as he thought of something.

  "Jon, did you kill Cook?!" Bill asked in astonishment.

  Hardy didn't deny it.

  "He hurt my brother, so I had to make him pay. I also took care of your job for you."

  Looking at the envelope, Bill felt incredibly moved.

  He was injured, so his brother went to avenge him, killing Cook and his crew.

  This was true brotherhood.

  Sean and Ried, standing nearby, looked at Hardy in shock. So, it was Jon who took care of Cook.

  Last night, he had asked for Cook's address; it seemed he had a plan.

  Infiltrating the enemy's base alone, taking out six people without a scratch.


  No wonder he survived on the battlefield.

  Bill smiled at Hardy.

  "Did you think I was dying yesterday, so you went to avenge me?"

  "The doctor said you had only a thirty percent chance of survival," Hardy replied.

  "If I died, the money would have been useless to me," Bill said with a smile.

  "I will spend it on your parents."

  Bill tried to move but winced from his wound. Sean and Ried quickly helped him up, propping him against the head of the bed.

  "Both of you, go out. Jon and I need to talk. And about Cook's matter, don't mention it to anyone, understand?"

  Sean and Ried nodded and left the ward.

  "What do you want to tell me?" Hardy asked.

  Bill looked at Hardy.

  "Jon, I have a favor to ask you."

  "What is it?"

  "The doctor said I have to lie in bed for three or four months. I need someone to take care of my territory. I want you to help me."

  "You want me to join the gang?" Hardy was surprised by Bill bringing up old matters.

  "You can join temporarily, and then leave when I'm better. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll lose my territory by the time I recover," Bill said.

  "Don't you still have Sean and Ried to take care of it?"

  Bill shook his head.

  "They're not suitable. Sean can handle accounts, but he's too timid. Ried is impulsive and not very sharp. They need a leader. You're the most suitable right now. Also, I owe the bank a lot of money. If I lose my territory and income, my parents and siblings will have to fend for themselves."

  Hardy thought about it. Since he hadn't found a suitable job yet, he might as well help Bill.

  "I can manage it for you for a while. Will the gang agree?"

  Bill immediately smiled.

  "I'll take care of that."

  As Bill and Hardy talked, another group of people arrived at the private clinic—Fred, the Austrian gang leader, came with his second-in-command, Alan Payne.

  Sean and Ried were smoking in the hallway, when they saw the two bosses coming, they quickly threw away their cigarettes and stomped them out.

  "How's Bill?" Fred asked.

  "He's awake now. Dr. Murphy says he's okay, but he needs three or four months of rest," Sean quickly replied.

  The group entered the ward and saw Hardy inside.

  Fred and Alan Payne were unfamiliar with Hardy and looked him over.

  Bill quickly introduced, "Mr. Fred, Mr. Alan, this is my best brother, Jon Hardy."

  "By the way, we've recovered the money from Cook. Jon helped me get it back." Bill picked up the large envelope from the bed.

  Fred understood from Bill's words that this young man in front of him was responsible for dealing with Cook.

  He examined Hardy carefully.

  He had a young and handsome appearance, with a sturdy and bold demeanor. Taking out Cook and six others alone indicated excellent skills.

  Standing up for a friend, decisively seeking revenge—loyalty and determination in action.

  Fred admired such a young man.

  "Hardy, I see a certain quality in you that makes me feel you're very suitable for our line of work in the underworld. How about it? Interested in joining the Austrian gang?"

  Fred took the initiative to recruit.