Chapter 7 Join The Austrian Gang

  The Austrian gang leader in front of him actually said that he is suitable to be a gangster. what part of him look gangster, Is it related to his name?

  Jon Hardy, sound like a gang leader.

  The boss made a move to recruit Hardy, which made Bill very happy.

  He quickly said, "I was just asking Jon to help me. He is my best brother. I want him to take care of my territory."

  "Okay. I agree." Fred agreed.

  The matter was decided without Hardy saying a word.

  In this way, Hardy joined the Austrian gang.

  Of course, only as a peripheral members.

  Bill picked up the envelope on the bed and said to Fred, "Boss, Hardy helped me get back the shares Cook owed, i am handing it over now."

He handed the money over.

  Second in command Alan Payne took the money handed over by Bill, opened it, and counted it.

  "Six thousand eight hundred U.S. dollars; the share payment should be five thousand, and the amount is one thousand eight hundred dollars more than the share." Allen said after counting.

  Fred took the money, took out a thousand dollars, and handed it to Bill.

  "This thousand is your share."

Bill happily took it.

  This money is not only his own, but according to the rules, Sean and Ryder also have a share.

  Fred counted out another thousand and handed it over. "This thousand is for your medical treatment. If you were injured while working for the gang, the gang will pay for the treatment."

  "Thank you, boss."

  Bill took the money gratefully.

  Fred counted out another eighteen hundred dollars, but this time he handed it to Hardy. Hardy looked at the Austrian gang leader in bewilderment.

  Fred smiled and said, "Cook only owes us $5,000, the rest belongs to you."

  Hardy found that the Austrian gang leader was very open about his work, including his share of the profits, injury and illness consolation money, and the eighteen hundred dollars given to him. the whole thing is done reasonably and grandly, a good leader know how to win the trust of his subordinates from small gestures.

  Hardy was not polite and took the money.

  Fred smiled, satisfied with Hardy's performance.

  At this time, Bill said, "Boss, what are the Spaniards going to do about Cook's matter?"

  Fred waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "You don't have to worry about this matter; I will take care of this. The whole thing started with Cook, they broke the rules first; I will settle the matter. If they can't follow the rules, I don't mind removing their business from our territory."

  There are many gangs who want to sell goods on the Austrian gang's territory, while the Spaniards drugs are good and cheap there are other gang that offer similar merchandise.

  After chatting for a while, Fred left with his second-in-command, Allen. Bill looked at Hardy with a smile and said, "Brother, I'll leave it to you."

  Then he turned to Sean and Ried and ordered, "You guys cooperates well with Hardy. You must know that he was my boss in the Marine Corps."

  Sean and Ried had already admired Hardy. When they met before, Hardy took both of them down without even a gun.

  Last night, one person even wiped out Cook and his gang. They only have respect for such powerful person.

  "Don't worry, boss, we will do our best." The two guys said it in unison.

  Fred and second in command Allen returned to the villa, thought for a while, picked up the phone, and called the Spanish gang leader, Dani.

  When Dani heard that Fred was looking for him, his eyes narrowed. After taking the phone, he said angrily, "Fred, was it your people who killed Cook?"

  "Cook is my most capable subordinate. Six member of my gang died at once.""

  To be honest, Dani was really distressed by Cook's death. He has only about a hundred gang member in total, so six dying at once is definitely a big loss.

  "Dani, it was you who broke the rules first. I wonder if Cook did that with your permission. Is your Spaniard gang ready to terminate our cooperation and turn into confrontation?" Fred said it in a bad tone.

  Dani momentum faltered.

  "This was never my order," Dani replied.

  "Dani, if you want to continue to cooperate, then you must abide by the rules. For those who want to break the rules, you know the consequences better than I do. If you want to play tricks, we have plenty of ways to deal with it."

  Dani took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress his emotions.

  "Okay, Fred, I admit that Cook did something wrong in this matter. He is dead, and you have taken back the money. This matter is over here. How about we continue to maintain our previous cooperation?"

  Fred had already expected that the result would be like this. He had a slight smile on his face and said lightly, "Dani, making money is very important, and rules are also very important. I hope there won't be a next time."

  "I understand." Dani responded in a low tone.


  The black handset landed heavily on the phone stand.

  Dani's face was full of anger.

  Ever since he became the boss of 'the Red Dani gang', no one dared talk to him like this, but today he was taught a lesson.

  He picked up the cigar in the ashtray and took a long drag.

  "I must take down the Austrian gang, no doubt about it!" He turned to his strategist and advisor, Bernstein, beside him. "Is the meeting with the Irishman tonight confirmed?"

  "Yes, tonight at 8 o'clock at Hoffman's bar." Bernstein replied.

  Dani thought for a while and said to Burstein, "You continue to contact the Mexicans, the French, the Russians, and other gangs in Los Angeles. I don't want to delay for a single day."

  "Okay, I'll go contact them now."

  After Bernstein left, Dani walked to the window. His office was on the 18th floor of a tall building, offering a view of the Beverly Hills scenery.

  "I want to control the entire underground world of Los Angeles, like Al Capone, becoming the king of the city!"

  There's a famous saying: Ambition drives people to extreme cruelty.

  Dani's ambition continued to grow and expand, and for this, he was willing to take risks.

  Night fell.

  A brand new sedan stopped at the bar's entrance.

  Dani and Bernstein got out of the car, followed by two henchmen.

  Looking up at the sign, Hoffman's Bar! Someone welcomed them as they entered, preparing to search them. Dani's two henchmen stepped forward with grim faces, and both sides immediately faced off.

  Dani waved his hand to signal his men to stand down and lifted his clothes to allow the search.

  They weren't here to fight, so they didn't bring weapons.

  "Mr. Dani, Mr. Bernstein, I'll take you to see the boss. Please follow me." The person said this before leading the way.

  The two arrived at a private room where two men were already seated.

  Los Angeles Irish gang leader Hemi Weiss of the North Shore gang, and his deputy, Bugs Moran.

  Hemi Weiss had a long face and sported an English style haircut that made his face appear longer, even somewhat comical. But throughout Los Angeles, no one dared to laugh at this twenty-eight-year-old young man because he was the leader of the Irish gang, controlling several blocks in Los Angeles.

  The Irish were known for their ruthlessness, sometimes resorting to any means necessary, so their reputation on the streets wasn't as good as the Italians' or the Bosnian mafia, but this bad reputation also deterred others from easily messing with them.

  Hemi Weiss stood up with a smile and shook hands with Dani.

  "Dani, you said on the phone that you have something very important to discuss with me. What is it? Are you planning to sell cocaine on my turf? Keep in mind, I'm in that business too."

  "Weiss, are you interested in taking over the Austrian Ganga's territory?"

  Hemi Weiss's smile disappeared, and he looked deep into Dani's eyes.

  "Dani, what do you want to do?"

  "I want revenge," Dani said through gritted teeth.

  Hemi Weiss furrowed his brow. "You want to go to war with the Austrians just for Cook?"

  Dani's smile disappeared, and he replied with determination:

  "Not just for Cook, but for business. My cocaine business brings in millions in profit each year, yet we have to share about half with the Austrians, who do nothing while we risk our necks. They sent someone to kill six of my guys over a few words, and then Fred called, threatening us, putting all the blame on us.

  By forming an alliance, we can completely take down the Austrian gang. After success, my Red Dani will take forty percent of the turf and assets, leaving the rest to the North Shore gang. What do you think?"

  Dani finished speaking and looked at Hemi Weiss.