Chapter 8 The Austrian Gang Business

"How do you plan to proceed?" Hemi Weiss looked at Dani and asked.


"First, squeeze the Austrian gang's businesses, including their nightclubs, bars, and underground casinos, as well as their loan sharking and smuggling businesses. Deplete their strength, and then strike decisively to extinguish them completely," Dani said.

  "Have you thought about the Austrian's counterattack?" Hemi Weiss asked.

  Dani smiled faintly, "At the beginning, we don't have to be so blatant. We can start slowly, find people to raid their nightclubs, bars."

"Robbing liquor trucks, even robbing casinos, and using customs to disrupt the Austrian gang's smuggling business. With these methods, I believe those Austrian guys will definitely be in a tight spot."

  Hemi Weiss raised the whiskey on the table, took a sip, pondered for a moment, and when he looked up, there was a smile on his face.

  "Dani, I think your plan is good. I agree to cooperate with you," he said, reaching out his hand to Dani.

  Seeing Hemi Weiss agree, Dani was very happy. The most important step of the plan had been taken, and he seemed to see victory beckoning to him.

  They shook hands.

  The two reached an agreement.

  Forming a temporary alliance to deal with the Austrian gang together.

  Dani left with his advisor.

  Weiss deputy Bugs Moran, looked at Weiss and asked, "Haimi, do you believe him?"

  Hemi Weiss huckled, puffing out a cigar.

  "How could I possibly believe him? Dani has never been a sentimental guy. Revenge for his subordinates is all nonsense."

  "As for business and territory, it is indeed possible, but he doesn't have such a big appetite to come to us. The biggest possibility is that it will provoke us to fight against the Austrian gang. In the end, when both sides are exhausted, he will take advantage of it to become bigger."

  "Then why did you still agree to form an alliance with him?" Moran was slightly surprised.

  Hemi Weiss spread his hands and said, "It's just conspiring against each other. We and the Austrians have always been enemies. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to stir things up? Maybe we can see some benefits."

  "Dani wants to use us, why don't I want to Use him, haha."

  Bugs Moran also laughed along with Hemi Weiss, raised his glass, and clinked it with Weiss, and the two drank happily.

  When working in the underworld, No one is a fool, and Their minds are no worse than those of those politicians in the political arena; otherwise, they would not be able to survive.

  Dani has his own purpose.

  Why doesn't Weiss have his own ideas?

  It just depends on who performs better.

  On the car, Dani smiled and said to his Advisor Burstein, "Look, the Irish are not difficult to deal with. They have always hated the Austrians and will never let them go as long as they have the opportunity. Burstein, how are the contacts with other gangs?"

  "The Mexicans are already in contact with our people. We will meet the Mexican boss tomorrow. as for the french it may be later. Their boss has gone to San Francisco and won't be back for a few days."

  "As for the Russians and the Poles, you don't need to come forward. I can just go and talk to them. we just have to give them more profits on the distribution of coke, and they will rush to the front and work hard for us."

  Dani nodded. looking out the car window at the bustling neon lights on both sides of the street, he seemed to see that the entire city would become his, and he would become the king here.

  The next day, Hardy officially started work.

  Sean and Ryder drove a truck to pick him up. They drove for half an hour to the slums and stopped in front of a large iron gate. Sean honked the horn.

  The door opened a small hole, someone looked out, Sean waved to the person, and then the door opened.

  The car drove in and parked in the courtyard, which was a row of warehouses.

  Sean smiled and said to Hardy, "Jon, this is the gang warehouse. All the tobacco and alcohol are stored here."

  "The block we are responsible for has a total of seven pubs and two nightclubs. We get the inventory every evening. We come here to pick up the goods and distribute the cigarettes and alcohol every morning. The tavern settles accounts with us once a week, and we also pay the accounts every Monday."

  A strong man came over, greeted Sean and Ried , and then looked at Hardy and Sean. He introduced himself with a smile: "This is Jon Hardy, Bill's brother. From now on, he will be in charge of our area."

  "Jon, this is Benson, the deputy director of the warehouse."

  Hardy stretched out his hand and shook hands with Benson. Shake hands and get to know each other.

  Several people walked to the warehouse, and Benson asked: "How is Bill?"

  "He is out of danger. It will take about two or three months to recover." Sean said.

  Bennett asked curiously, "By the way, who did the thing about cook? Do you know that many people are discussing that matter now? That person is really fierce. One person can kill Cook and his group of henchman.""

  Sean glanced at Hardy quietly and then said with a smile, "I don't know, it may have been done by the boss."

  Before Fred left, he told Hardy and others that he would not disclose who killed Cook for the time being. that was mainly to protect Hardy's personal safety.

  Hardy didn't want to be famous, and safety was the most important thing, so he naturally agreed to Fred's arrangement, so Sean lied to Benson.

  After entering the warehouse, Sean took out the list and started to purchase goods.

Wine: whiskey, rum, vodka, brandy, tequila, and fruit wine. Cigarettes include Marlboro, Camel, Sanwu cigarettes, and various cigars.

  Someone started to load the goods into the car, and Sean and Ryder were responsible for counting. After everything was loaded into the car, Sean asked Hardy to sign the list.

  Hardy took a look and found that the price reached more than three thousand US dollars. You must know that the monthly salary of an ordinary worker in 1945 was only about two hundred US dollars, these cigarettes and alcohol were equivalent to one and a half years' salary for an ordinary worker.

  That's just one day's work on the block, saying goodbye to Benson and driving out of the warehouse, Hardy asked Sean, "Are these cigarettes and alcohol genuine?"

  "Of course, they are all good stuff," Sean said.

  "Then how do we make money and raise prices in pubs and nightclubs?" Hardy asked in confusion.

  Sean smiled, "Of course not, our tobacco and alcohol are even cheaper than the market price."

  "Then how do we make money?"

  "Smuggling and tax evasion you don't know how high the federal government's tax rate on tobacco and alcohol is, the lowest is 40 and the highest is even higher than 80%. If we go through legitimate channels, we can't make any money at all."

  "We evade taxes on domestic tobacco and alcohol. Imported tobacco and alcohol from foreign countries are smuggled goods, and our gang has its own smuggling channels."

  "Even tobacco and alcohol from other areas are purchased from us. Although the profits from tobacco and alcohol are not as high as during Prohibition, smuggled goods are still profitable, and the more expensive they are, the more profitable they are."

  In the previous world, Hardy was familiar with the gangster drama. He is very interested in movies and has watched almost all of them. He has also studied gang culture. He knows that the rise of gangs in the United States can be said to have been promoted by the Prohibition of alcohol.

  During the Prohibition period, gangs sold large quantities of private liquor, obtained sufficient funds, and began to grow crazily.

  Later, the prohibition on alcohol was lifted, but the bootleg liquor business was still an important source of income for the gangs. They changed from selling bootleg liquor to smuggling and evading taxes.

  "Won't the IRS pursue it?" Hardy asked.

  "Of course they will pursue it. The National Taxation Bureau is much more powerful than the FBI, so we have been doing it very covertly. Besides, the boss will come forward to take care of it." Sean said.

  The car drove to the entrance of the nightclub.

  It was the "Bunny Nightclub" that Bill brought him to on the first day. The manager came out and took the goods from the order. Soon, all the goods were moved in. Both parties signed the document, and the delivery was completed.

  After unloading the cigarettes and alcohol at the nightclub and then rushing to other bars to deliver the goods, Sean took care of Hardy's signatures and was busy until 10 o'clock before all the goods were delivered.

  "Jon, let's go get something to eat." Sean asked Hardy.

  They haven't had breakfast yet.

  "Okay, let's go eat."