Chapter 12 Conspiracy

  This is a nightclub, a public place. If Hardy shoots and kills, the matter may not be solved easily.

  Fighting doesn't matter; even hurting someone is a minor issue.

"Come on!"

  Hardy hooked Big Ivan.

  Big Ivan looked at his friends, who were lying on the ground, wailing or unconscious. He knew that the guy in front of him was definitely not easy to mess with.

  But he is Big Ivan. He has had countless fights since he was a child, and he has been on the street for so many years, and his ferocity raged in his mind.


  Big Ivan roared and waved his huge fist at Hardy, Hardy dove sideways.


  A punch hit Big Ivan hard on the right rib, causing Big Ivan to shrink in pain.


  All the drinkers around him became excited, and some even cheered.

The two fight together.

  Hardy didn't pay attention, and he punched him hard in the face, causing bruises and blood marks immediately.

  The two of them were going back and forth, and

  The surrounding wine tables were unlucky and were smashed numerous times.

Hardy had to admit that Big Ivan is also very powerful he had been punched several times in the face and was still standing and fighting back he was even taking punches just so he can lend some of his fists on Hardy.

"Bang bang~!"

  Hardy seized the opportunity and punched Big Ivan twice on the chin, causing Big Ivan to shake his head and feel dizzy.

  Big Ivan roared and threw himself at Hardy with open arms. If he could catch him, he would strangle this damn guy.

  Hardy got together and used wrestling techniques to throw away the approaching Big Ivan.


  Big Ivan's huge body slammed to the side of the bar.

  Hardy said in his heart that it was time to end thsi fight.

  Before Big Ivan could get up, Hardy stepped over.

  He picked up the table knife on a plate next to him with one hand, and pressed Big Ivan's arm against the wall with the other hand, and stabbed the table knife down fiercely.


  Big Ivan screamed.


  Everyone in the nightclub exclaimed in surprise.

  Because they saw that Hardy had nailed Big Ivan's palm to the wall with a table knife.

  Blood flowed down the palm.

  This is not over yet.

  Hardy picked up another fork.


  Big Ivan's other palm was pinned to the wall.


  Big Ivan's cry of pain was distorted.

  At this moment, his appearance looked a bit like that of a victim being impaled on a cross.

  However the look he shoot at Hardy's wasn't filled with only fear but anger and ferocity.

  Hardy had no doubt that if he gave this guy a chance he would definitely get stabbed the next second.

  Hardy stood up, and the surrounding drinkers looked at Hardy, some with admiration and some with fear.

  "Sean, take people and throw all these guys out." After saying that, he quietly winked at Sean.

  Sean understood and took Ryder and a few security guards to tie up the hands and feet of these troublemakers, carry them to the backyard of the nightclub, and throw them into an unused room.

  Hardy said loudly to the crowd, "It was just a small episode, and it does not affect everyone's entertainment. The band will continue to play music."

Nightclub fights are normal. As long as no one is killed, they are just entertainment for the drinkers.

  The band played cheerful jazz and the nightclub became lively again.

Hardy came to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, washed his hands, and looked in the mirror. There were some scratches and bruises on his cheeks, but with his recovery ability, he should be fine tomorrow or the day after.

  Just walked out of the bathroom, a beautiful silhouette stopped in front of Hardy, and Marissa looked at him with a smile on her face and said, "Hardy, I'm here to return your guns."

  She handed over the two guns with both hands.

  Hardy took his own revolver and inserted it into his holster, then took Big Ivan's TT-33 pistol and inserted it into his waist.

  Marissa looked at Hardy with beautiful eyes.

  "Hardy, thank you!"

  "No, this is my job." Hardy said.

  Marissa blinked her big eyes and said softly, "I was really scared to death just now. Fortunately, you saved me. My heart is still pounding now."

  She covered her high chest as she spoke.

  Hardy's eyes followed her unconsciously.

  Big and white.

  "Hardy, can you take me home later? I'm a little scared." Marissa said it suddenly.

  "There are still some things that need to be done later, I'm afraid."

  Hardy did not agree directly. The Russians were still in the backyard, Hardy wanted to find out why they came to cause trouble. He felt that there was something inside.

  "It's okay, I'll wait for you."

  Marissa smiled charmingly at Hardy, turned and left.

  When they came to the room in the backyard where Big Ivan and the others were being held, the other gangsters had their hands and feet tied and were lying on the ground. Big Ivan also had his hands tied, but he was even worse; his hands were injured and looked bloody.

  "Take him to the next room." Hardy pointed at Big Ivan.

  Big Ivan was taken to another room.

  Hardy stood in front of Big Ivan and said in a cold voice: "You should know that this is the territory of the Austrian gang, and you dare to come and cause trouble. There must be a reason."

  Big Ivan glanced at Hardy, stiffened his neck, and said, "It's just for fun, no other reason."

  Hardy pulled out Big Ivan's TT-33 pistol from his waist.

  "Your own gun, you should know its power. If you lie once, I will shoot you. How many chances do you think you have to lie?"

  Big Ivan naturally knows the power of the TT-33, and he beat his limbs at close range. , the limbs may be directly destroyed, and if he hits the body, one shot can kill him.


  Hardy raised his gun and aimed it at Big Ivan's right leg, not far from his future decedent factory.

  Big Ivan trembled involuntarily.


  This time he came to cause trouble, and he brought five of his men. Usually there are only two or three people watching the scene at night clubs. He was very sure, but he never expected to meet a guy as powerful as Hardy.

  One person destroyed their whole group.

  As for whether Hardy dared to shoot, Big Ivan had no interest in testing that out.


  "Okay, let me tell you, the Spanish gang's advisor, Burstein, came to us a few days ago and said that as long as we come to the Austrian gang's territory to cause trouble, he will give us benefits."

  When Hardy heard the Spanish gang, he felt moved and continued to ask."

  What's the benefit?"

  "The coke powder we sell is all bought from the Spaniards, and they promised to give us a 20% price reduction."

  "Did the Spaniards find anyone else?"

  "I don't know about that. ."

  Hardy asked some more questions, and Big Ivan explained the whole process of meeting Burstein.

  It would make sense to say that the Spaniards found someone to cause trouble in the Austrian gang's territory to avenge what happened before, but Hardy always felt that there was something deeper.

  He felt it was necessary to speak to the Austrian gang boss.

  "Take him back and imprison him with those guys. By the way, give him a simple bandage." Hardy ordered Ryder.

  "Okay." Ryder dragged Big Ivan away.

  Hardy thought for a while, then went to the manager's office on the second floor of the nightclub. He picked up the phone dialed his boss. After a while, the call was connected, and the voice of Fred, the boss of the Austrian gang, came from the other side.

  "Mr. Fred, I'm Jon Hardy." Hardy introduced himself.

  Fred paused briefly to remember who Jon Hardy was.

  "What's wrong, Jon? Do you have anything to say to me?" Fred asked.

  "I have one thing to report to you. The Russians came to the Bunny Bar tonight to cause trouble. I controlled them and asked the leader, Big Ivan. Big Ivan said that the Spanish gang's adviser Burstein found them and asked them to come to our territory to cause trouble. I think this matter is not that simple, so I will report it to you."

  "What do you think?" Fred asked.

  "If it's just a simple incident, it's not terrible. If it's a conspiracy against us, I'm afraid the Spaniards won't just do these things, so I think we need to be vigilant about whether the Spaniards have any bigger moves." Hardy said.

  Fred held the phone and pondered for a while.

  "Hardy, you did a good job. I will think about it." The phone hung up.

  Hardy returned to the backyard. Several Russian gang members had already woken up. They all looked at Hardy worriedly, wondering what he would do with them next.

  Hardy couldn't just killed them, while the US was a mess after the end of WW II killing is steal troublesome and there would be a serious investigation.

  "I remember there was an unused cellar in the backyard, right? Just lock them in there and starve them for three days before releasing them," Hardy said.

  The expressions of several Russians changed greatly.

  "You can't do this; you might as well kill us." A guy shouted.


  Hardy took out TT-33 and shot it at the ground. The gunshot was loud.

  Several Russians were so frightened that they trembled.

  No one dares to say nonsense anymore.

  After arranging things here it was already early morning.

  At this time, he thought Marissa had left, but when he arrived at the nightclub, he found Marissa still waiting for him.

  "You haven't left yet?"

  Hardy asked, looking at the woman.

  "I'm a little scared to go back alone."

  Marissa said this with her beautiful eyes blinking.