Chapter 13 Shoot Out

  December is the rainy season in Los Angeles.

  It just rained lightly, the two walked out of the nightclub. The air was damp and cold. Marissa curled up and hugged her arms. Suddenly, a suit jacket was draped over her body, making her feel warm.

  The clothes have a man's body temperature on them.

  Marissa looked at Hardy.

  With a strong nose bridge, knife like cheeks, and deep and sharp eyes, he is not a handsome boy, but a handsome man with a very masculine look.

  The two got into the car, started the car, and drove out of the parking lot.

  Marissa opened her handbag, took out the silver cigarette case, took out a cigarette, put it in her mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

  He took the cigarette from his red lips and handed it to Hardy.

  Hardy looked at the woman and

  took it into his mouth unceremoniously.

  "Does the injury on your face hurt?" Marissa asked.

  When Hardy fought with Big Ivan, he was punched few times in the face by Big Ivan, causing some scratches and bruises.

  "It's nothing serious. i will be fine tomorrow." Hardy said.

  "You're a good fighter," Marissa praised.

  "Your singing voice is also very beautiful. Have you ever studied it?"

  Marissa was asked what she was interested in. She measured herself and looked at Hardy. "I have always wanted to enter Hollywood and become a star, so I joined a modeling agency and also practiced acting and vocal music. Unfortunately, the teacher said that I don't have much talent in acting, but I may still have room to develop in singing."

  "I have been studying vocal music now, and I have four classes a week, which costs me a lot of money."

  As the two chatted, the car stopped in front of the woman's house.

  It's a two story building.

  Marissa got out of the car and went to the driver's seat window.

  "Good night," Hardy said.

  Marissa did not say good night. She looked at the scar on Hardy's cheek and asked with concern, "Come to my house, and I can help you apply some medicine."

  "I don't want to bother you".

  "you wont bother anyone. I live here alone."

  Cars stop on the side of the road.

  The two of them went upstairs together.

  The lights on the second floor turned on, and the window screen reflected the figure. The woman wiped the potion on the man, and sparks slowly appeared.

  not a long time after, there was a faint sound coming from upstairs.

  early morning.

  The sun shines into the room and hits the golden hair.

  Marissa woke up and found that the man had left, feeling a little disappointed.

  Sit up, the quilt slipped off, revealing her perfect curves.

  She is only 23 years old, which is the age when women bloom most brilliantly.

  She walked to the bathroom in bare feet.

  Seeing the pants on the table, she remembered all the craziness last night.

  A slight smile appeared on the woman's face.

  That guy was really strong and made her experience a wonderful feeling.

  And with him. I feel more comfortable than with others, maybe because the two of them did not mixed other emotions and just simply want to be together.

  Marissa was a little greedy for that feeling.

  In the morning, Hardy left Marissa's house and drove to find Sean and Ryder. The two guys immediately surrounded Hardy when they saw him.

  "Boss, did you stay at Marissa's house last night?" Sean asked with a mean smile.

  Ryan was also looking at Hardy for gossip.

  Hardy looked at the two guys and said, "Yeah"


  The two guys exclaimed at the same time.

  "Boss is so awesome. The act of hero saving the beauty yesterday won Marissa's heart. It's really enviable." Sean said it with a smile.

  "Such a beauty, oh~ it feels wonderful just thinking about it." Ryder said it with a pig like look on his face.

  Hardy slaps both guys on the head.

  "Stop talking nonsense. It's getting late. Let's go to the warehouse to pick up the goods. Have you got all the documents?" Hardy interrupted the two gossiping guys.

"we got it."

  The three of them drove to the tobacco and alcohol warehouse.

  Having been working for half a month, Hardy has already become proficient in ordering goods, checking accounts, and signing, and he will say hello to people he meets who are familiar with him.

  Through this period, Hardy also got to know many people from the Austrian gang.

  Alessandro was in charge of the block next to Hardy, and he had three or four younger men under him. When he saw Hardy, he came over to say hello and hand him a cigarette.

  "Hardy, I heard that someone caused trouble at the Bunny Bar last night."

  The gangsters always have good news.


  Hardy said, taking Alejandro's cigarette.

  "The Russians are just a small group, but they dare to come to our place to cause trouble. They are so impatient. Hardy, how did you deal with them?" Alessandro asked.

  "Lock them in the cellar and starve them for three days."

  Alessandro laughed loudly after hearing this. "This is a good method. Let them suffer a little first."

  Alessandro came early and loaded their goods. he waved goodbye to Hardy and drove away with his three henchmen.

  The car drove out of the slums, and when passing through a remote street, two trucks appeared in front of it, blocking the road.

  "mother f*ker, who is so incompetent, don't you know how to make way for others? Amor, you go down and ask the driver to move out of the way." Alessandro ordered his henchmen.

  Amor opened the door and got out of the car. As soon as he walked to the truck, the tarpaulin of the truck suddenly opened, and several black gun barrels protruded from the car.

  Amor was shocked and wanted to run away, but as soon as he turned around, he heard a clicking sound, and Amor was killed on the spot.

  Alessandro and the driver were frightened and drew their guns one after another, but their opponents were faster than them. Several machine guns fired wildly at their truck, and the dense bullets shattered the glass of the truck.

  The two people in the car were immediately riddled with hols.

  Blood trickled down the cracks in the carriage.

  A group of people jumped out of the truck and quickly moved the cigarettes and alcohol in the car to their own cars. Another guy took out a big firecracker from his pocket, took a puff of his cigar, lit the firecracker, and threw it to Alessandro and the others.

  In the car. after the two trucks left. After a while "Boom!"

  Alessandro and his truck exploded violently.

  A raging fire started.


  Hardy's goods have been loaded, and he looked at the receipt. It was 3,620$. Sales have increased in the past week.

  good phenomenon.

  The more Hardy team sell, the more money they get.

  Waving goodbye to Supervisor Benson, Ryder drove out of the warehouse.

  The speed of the car is not very fast only twenty or thirty miles.

  Soon they came to a must pass road, which was a bit desolate, with many abandoned factories on both sides. Ryder, who was driving, saw a truck crossing the road in front of him.

  "Damn it, who is such a bastard to park the car in the middle of the road?"

Di Di Di~!

  Stopping twenty or thirty meters away from the truck, Ryder honked the horn hard, trying to get the other person to leave.

  But after pressing the button for a long time, the car in front showed no response.

  "Fake, I'm going to drive them away." Ryder said as he got out of the car.

  But at this moment, Hardy suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

  A strong sense of crisis arose in my heart.


  Hardy grabbed Ryder, who was about to get out of the car, and said, "Don't get off. Ryder reverse the car quickly!"

  "What's wrong, boss?" Ryder didn't understand.


  Hardy ordered again.

  Ryan saw Hardy's serious look and immediately reversed the car.

  The people in the truck saw Hardy and the others reversing the truck and knew that their actions had been discovered. Several people immediately jumped out of the truck, and all of them had guns in their hands.

  They are all famous Chicago typewriters.

"Da da da, da da da~!"

  These guys opened fire wildly at Hardy's truck.


  The glass of the truck shattered.

  These people were shooting and rushing forward at the same speed as they were reversing.

"Ryder, stop the car sideways!" Hardy immediately ordered.


  Ryan swerved and put his car across the road.

  Hardy was the first to jump down. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he pulled out a gun from his body and shot the gangster who was rushing over.


  Hardy's shooting technique was very accurate. Although the two sides were forty or fifty meters away, his shot still hit a guy.

  A guy with a Chicago typewriter fell to the ground in an instant.

  The gun mans on the opposite side were also startled. They no longer dared to rush forward desperately and quickly lay down on the ground, the sub machine gun in their hand kept shooting none stop.

  Sean and Ryder also jumped out of the car at this time and kept firing guns at the opposite side. Unfortunately, their marksmanship was so bad that they couldn't hit any of them.

  The distance is too far, and the pistol is really difficult to use.

  "Sean, find my rifle!" Hardy shouted.

"Okay, boss."

  Sean quickly climbed into the car, took out Hardy's long gun from under the car seat, and threw it to Hardy.

  After getting the Johnson rifle, Hardy instantly felt like he was back on the battlefield.

Pull the bolt and raise the gun.

  Target a guy with half of his body exposed.


  After a gunshot, the guy opposite fell to the ground instantly, bullets are loaded automatically and Hardy aimed his gun at another guy.