Chapter 14 The Irish

  A guy was hiding behind a tree, with half of his body exposed. He felt that he was hiding well, but in Hardy's eyes, he was a living target.

  Aim and shoot in one go.


  The guy behind the tree screamed and fell to the ground.

  There are six people in total across the street.

  One of them was killed by Hardy with a revolver, and two more were killed with a rifle. Now there are only three people left.

  The M1941 Johnson rifle is actually not a very good rifle. Its accuracy is much worse than that of the 98K and even inferior to that of the Springfield and Garand. The only advantage is that it is semi automatic, has a large magazine capacity, and can load 10 rounds at a time.

  The only reason Hardy chose him was because of his familiarity With this gun.

  Hardy believed that he could exert his greatest combat effectiveness with a gun he is most familiar with.

  "That's great, boss!"

  Sean couldn't help shouting when he saw Hardy kill another one.

  Ryan looked at Hardy with admiration in his eyes.

  If the boss hadn't discovered the crisis in advance, he might have been beaten into pieces long ago. His opponents were all armed with heavy weapons. The boss actually shot three of them, suppressing them so that they didn't dare to raise their heads.

  The guys on the opposite side were really intimidated by Hardy.

  Originally, they had an absolute advantage, but now they are at a disadvantage.


  A guy roared out and fired wildly at Hardy and the others with a machine gun.


  With a crisp gunshot, the guy fell to the ground.

  Hardy glanced at the corpse on the ground.

"Mad idiot"

  This kind of crazy shooting behavior may be said to be brave in a gang conflict, but if it is on the battlefield, it will be a living target for others.

  Can't survive more than three seconds.

  Another guy stuck out half his head.


  There was a hole in his top hat instantly.

Blood gurgled out.

  The last gunman was completely frightened. He jumped up and ran back, trying to escape, but he just ran a few meters away and fell to the ground with the sound of a gunshot.

  The gunfire stopped.

  The world is quiet again.

Six corpses lay scattered on the ground.

  This was the first time for Sean and Ryder to experience such a big battle. They were so frightened that they kept gasping, and their bodies were trembling.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

  Hardy stood up with the gun in hand. After thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Clean the battlefield and put the bodies and guns in the truck."

"By the way, watch out for anyone pretending to be dead."

  Sean and Ryder went over to clean up the battlefield and found that there was no such thing as pretending to be dead. The main reason was that Hardy's shooting skills were accurate, and he could kill an enemy with one bullet.

  Hardy looked at how these people were dressed and frowned slightly.

  "Did you find anything?"

  Sean swallowed and said, "Boss, he seems to be Irish."

  Though they are all white, there are still subtle differences between them, and coupled with their clothing, they can still tell the difference. .

  Six corpses and guns were thrown into the opponent's truck.

  "Sean, you and Ryder drive our truck, pull the things back, and then notify Boss Fred and tell him what happened here. I will take these corpses to the countryside to avoid other troubles." Hardy said it quickly.

"Okay, boss."

  Sean and Ryder drove away in a truck with broken windows. Hardy got into the other's truck, pulling a load of corpses and driving out of the city.

  Just ten minutes after they left, a police car arrived, but the police only saw blood stains, bullet casings on the road, and broken glass.

  "There was a fierce gun battle here. Look at the bullet casings all over the ground. It's comparable to a war." A policeman said.

  "I heard that there was a gun battle just now on Street. A truck belonging to the Austrian gang was robbed. All three people were killed. Even the truck was bombed. I suspect it was done by other gangs."

  "The boss gave orders before. , It may not have been peaceful recently; I didn't expect it to be so fierce."

  "Now, haha, I don't know who will win."

  "Okay, since you haven't seen the body, please register the case and lets leave".

  They simply recorded the situation and left without any intention of an in depth investigation. They knew what happened.

  Hardy drove the truck and stopped in the woods on the outskirts of Los Angeles. He got out of the truck, took out his cigarette, and lit it, smoking silently and waiting for someone to come.

  More than half an hour later, two cars drove over from a distance.

  The car in front was Sean and Ryder.

  In the car behind him, Fred, the boss of the Austrian gang, came with his second in command, Alan Payne, and several leaders.

  Several people looked at the corpses in the back of the car. One of the leaders pointed at one of the corpses and said, "I know this guy. He is Yates from the North Shore Gang. The others should be his subordinates."

  It is now fully established that the attack was carried out by the Irish.

  Fred looked at Hardy and praised him: "Hardy, I have heard what happened from Sean. You did a great job."

  The other leaders also looked at Hardy.

  They already knew that Hardy and his truck were ambushed. Hardy discovered the danger in advance, and the other party got out of the car to make a surprise attack. Hardy responded calmly and killed six of the opponent's gunmen by himself.

  They asked themselves, If they were ambushed in that situation, what chance would they have of surviving? well probably they can survive let alone counter attack.

  The Jon Hardy in front of them not only survived but also wiped out all his enemies.

  he has to be admired.

  Fred's face turned gloomy, and he said, "Before you were ambushed, another wave of people ambushed Alessandro truck, killed Alessandro and two of his men, and robbed the goods. In the end, the truck was blown up and burned.

  "This is very similar to the Irish way of doing things: crazy and ruthless."

  Second in command Alan Payne and several leaders felt that the boss's analysis was correct, and now Hardy has killed six Irishmen this thing is almost 100% done by Irishmen.

  "Did the Irish attack the truck just to rob the goods? I'm afraid it's not that simple. A few days ago, several pubs were robbed in our area, and three nightclubs were disrupted. There were Irish, Mexicans, and even Russians among them. I suspect there is a connection among them, and several gangs have joined forces to deal with us."

  Hearing what Fred said, the people below were frightened. If other gangs join forces, it will be a very difficult matter.

  "What do you think we should do?" asked second in command Alan Payne.

  Fred thought for a while and said, "In recent times, I have told the people below to be careful when doing things and be aware of possible sneak attacks at any time."

  "Revenge, we have been attacked and must respond. This can also act as a deterrent. Allen, go back and prepare your manpower; we are going to give the Irish a fierce counterattack."

  It was decided that the others would get on the bus.

  Fred looked at Hardy again, with an expression of admiration on his face: "Hardy, you handled these two things very well. I said you are suitable for this line of work, and I am optimistic about you."

  After that, he turned and left.

  The big guys left, and Sean and Ryder dared to come over.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

  Hardy looked at the bodies in the truck and ordered, "Ryder, take off all the sub machine guns in the car and find a bag to put them away. They may be useful in the future."

  "Sean, put some gasoline out."

  The two got busy immediately.

  Put away the sub machine gun.

  Gasoline filled the truck.

  Hardy took out a match, lit himself a cigarette, and threw the match end towards the truck.


  The truck burst into flames.

  The raging fire quickly engulfed the entire vehicle.

  Hardy and Sean Ryder got in the car and left the woods.