Chapter 15 It's Easy To Start A War But Hard To End It

  Malton Street, 'Cedar Bar'.

  This is an Irish property.

  At about eight o'clock in the evening, the bar was doing good business. A black car was parked on the road, with two black gun muzzles sticking out of the window.

"Da da da, da da da~!"

  Fierce gunfire sounded, the glass window of the bar was instantly shattered, bullets were shot into the bar, and the wine cabinet and ceiling in the bar were blown out.

  The drinkers screamed and fell to the ground in fear.

Bullets flew over their heads.

Soon, the bar became a mess.

Once the rain of bullets stoped.

The car drove away quickly.

  It took a long time for the people lying on the ground to dare to look up. When they saw the car leaving outside, the drinkers screamed and ran out of the bar.

"Red Romantic Nightclub."

Light rain fell from the sky.

Neon flashes, it was even more blurred by the reflection of the puddles on the ground.

  This is the best nightclub in the neighborhood, controlled by the North Shore Gang. Three members of the North Shore Gang came out of the nightclub, talking and laughing as they walked.

  Suddenly, Several men in windbreakers got out of a car next to them.

  The three Irish were stunned when they saw these people and subconsciously reached for their guns, but the people on the opposite side moved faster than them.

  "Bang bang bang bang bang~~!"

  Several gunshots rang out, and the three Irish fell to the ground, blood gurgling from their chests to the ground, mixing with the rain.

  The man in his thirties at the front is named Dalton, and he was the one who led the attack on Alessandro yesterday.

  After completing the mission, he received a generous bonus. he sold the stolen drinks and cigarettes and received more than three thousand US dollars. he came here tonight with his men to have a good time.

  Unexpectedly, he was beaten to death on the street just after having fun.

Northern suburbs of Los Angeles.

There is a farm here.

  Every weekend, a lot of people drive from the city to attend an event, greyhound racing.

  This is a dog racing track run by the Irish, they keeps more than one hundred 'Greyhounds'.

  The weekly turnover here exceeds 100,000$, and the profit exceeds 10,000$.

  It's a very important business for the North Shore Gang.

  But that day, when people came over, they found that many of the hounds raised on the farm were dead. The person in charge quickly notified North Shore Gang boss Hemi Weiss.

  Hemi Weiss hurried over with his deputy, Bugs Moran. When he saw the corpses of racing dogs on the ground, his face was livid with anger.

  Hemi Weiss walked up to a big black dog. This dog was his favorite and had won him many games. Weiss picked up the dog's head and roared.

  "Farke, Farke, Farke, Farke!!!"

  "Who did it? Who did it?!"

  Hemi Weiss roared at the person in charge.

  "No, I don't know. When I woke up this morning, I found that these dogs were already dead." The person in charge replied tremblingly.

  "Check, find out who did it!" Hemi weiss roared again.

  The result of the investigation was that someone poisoned the dog food last night, and the racing dog died after eating it. As for who poisoned it, it was not found out.

  Though he didn't know who poisoned his dogs, Hemi weids had a guess.

Austrian gang, Nine times out of ten, they did it, Because during this period of time, the two gangs were attacking each other and causing trouble.

  hemi Weiss looked at the dead dog on the ground.

  These hounds were all carefully selected by him, and each one of them was very expensive, yet his favorite, the big black one, was worth no less than three thousand dollars.

  Direct losses exceeded US$50,000 to US$60,000.

  Without these dogs, his dog racing track will not be able to operate for a short time. The loss will be even greater, probably no less than hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  Hemi Weiss was extremely distressed.

  The Irish were not willing to give up when they were attacked, and they launched retaliation the next day.

  An Austrian truck transporting alcohol had just parked in front of a bar when several gunmen appeared and fired wildly at the truck.

  People on the street screamed and ducked, the cab of the truck was smashed.

  Even the tavern suffered damage, with its doors and windows smashed.

  Two Austrian gang members delivering goods were killed on the spot, and then several gunmen drove away, leaving a mess behind.

  Night is when the Irish underground casino is most lively.

  Seven or eight men in black trench coats got out of the car, holding pistols, shotguns, and even Chicago typewriters in their hands, and rushed directly to the casino.

  Three Austrian gang members who were watching the scene at the door saw the gangsters rushing over and quickly drew their guns, but the other guys had long guns. Three of them were killed in two rounds, and then these seven or eight people rushed directly into the casino.

"Da da da da da da!"

  Machine guns fired wildly in the casino. People screamed and fell to the ground. Some casino workers who wanted to resist were killed on the spot.

  There is a lot of cash piled up in the casino where chips are exchanged.

  The gangster forced the waiter to open the door with a gun, took out two backpacks from behind, filled two full bags of money, about $70,000 to 80,000, and then left.

  After the robbers left, the gamblers fled in fear, Swearing that they would never dare to come back to this casino again.

  Conflict between Austrian gangs and North Shore gangs.

  It's almost in plain sight.

  This made the entire atmosphere in Los Angeles suddenly tense.

  The Los Angeles Times reported in detail the gun battles discovered in the past two days, although they did not directly name them, anyone who understands can see at a glance that the two largest gangs in Los Angeles are at odds with each other.

  An old man who is familiar with the social situation sighed: "I remember that seven or eight years ago, when the Austrian gang first came to Los Angeles, there was such a large-scale conflict with the North Shore gang. At that time, both sides were in the same situation. Today you are going to kill me, and i will destroy your business tomorrow. During that time, all the people in Los Angeles were living in fear. It lasted for half a year before they finally calmed down."

  "The conflict is starting again after the past seven or eight years of peace, I don't know. What will Los Angeles look like next?"

  "Don't the government and police care?" a young man asked.

  "Of course, the police will come out and even catch the gunman, but so what? If you find the person, you can only prosecute the individual, which will not shake the existence of gangs, and those gang members are the least afraid of going to jail."

  "Also, in fact, prosecute individuals and letting the gangs run rampant is also good for the police in the area."

  "What's the benefit?"

  "Hehe, they can submit a report to the city council and ask for higher amount of money and better equipment, as well as staff quotas.

  Where there is chaos, there is benifits. Those politicians know this to well after all this is the rule of the game.

  Dani naturally knew all about the conflict between the Austrians and the Irish. Standing by the huge floor to ceiling window of the office on the 18th floor with a cigar in his mouth, Dani looked down at the entire city with a proud smile on his face.

  The conflicts in Los Angeles these days can be said to have been directed by him. He was hiding behind the scenes and controlling everything! The Irish originally planned only sneak attacks to squeeze the Austrians gang's property.

  Unexpectedly, one of the sneak attacks failed, letting the Austrians know that it was the Irish. So the Austrians gang took revenge.

  The revenge of the Austrians gang further aroused the anger of the Irish. Putting the Irish and the Austrians in direct opposition. to this result. Dani was even more satisfied.

  Turning to look at his advisor Burstein, he said with some showoff: "Burstein, you know, when the seeds of hatred sprout, it's not that easy to stop."

  "The Irish robbed liquor trucks, killed people, and destroyed businesses of Austrians, the Austrians gang resorted to the same method and even killed Hemi Weiss's dogs. You know, what Hemi Weiss loved most, its those dogs he raised, he lover them more than women."

  "They have been sucked into the vortex and have no way of stopping this chaos at all. they wont be able to stop, even if they know it's a conspiracy, they will keep doing it for revenge. No one can stop, because stopping is showing weakness and weak gangs get surrounded and destroyed by other gangs around it."


  "So in the end, they will keep fighting, they will fight until one of them go down, by that time even if the other gang win it will be exhausted, then our chance will come swallow everything and rule Los Angeles".