Chapter 16 Establishing A Gang

  Hardy felt deeply how brutal the fighting between the Austrian and the Irish gang was in the past two days.

  Daily deliveries were the main targets for both gangs, Hardy only has three people now, and to be honest while Sean and Ryder are quite diligent in their work, their combat effectiveness is really average and unreliable If they ever encountered another ambush, hardy had to deal with it by himself.

  Hardy has been thinking for the past two days about finding some helpers, the kind of helper who is capable of fighting.

  It had been two days since he had seen Bill. After delivering the goods in the morning, Hardy drove to the Murphy Clinic and came to Bill's ward. He opened the door and went in without knocking. But when he opened the door, he saw a scene that surprised him. .

  Bill was lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed and a look of great enjoyment on his face.

The quilt on him had a bulge in the middle.

  A lower body was exposed beside the bed, wearing a white nurse uniform and tight fitting flesh colored stockings, while the upper body was under the quilt.


Hardy coughed twice.

Bill's eyes shot open.

  The quilt that had been shaking suddenly stopped, and a woman quickly got out from under the quilt. She took a quick look at Hardy and looked much more relaxed when she saw that he was not from the hospital staff.

  The woman quickly tidied her messy hair and said sheepishly, "I'm cleaning him."

  "You have talk with you friends here, I'll come to see you in the afternoon." The woman said this to Bill.

"See you in the afternoon."

  Bill and the woman said goodbye with a smile.

  "It seems that you have recovered well and are full of energy." After the woman left, Hardy teased Bill.

  This guy almost died from excessive blood loss a month ago, but now he has the energy to play with women.

  Bill chuckled and said, "Her name is Monica. She is a nurse at this hospital. She is a good girl, and she is very attentive in her service."

"Yes, she is indeed attentive."

  After a few words of teasing, Hardy got down to business. "Bill, these two days, do you know about the conflict between the Austrian gang and the Irish?"

"Yes, there are many reports in the newspapers." Bill said.

  Hardy pondered for a moment and said, "After we were attacked last time, I felt that we were short of manpower. The conflict has escalated in the past two days. I have been very careful but things are getting more dangerous I have been thinking that we should recruit more manpower."

  Bill was immediately interested.

"What do you have in mind, Jon?"

  "Sean and Ryder are very diligent in their work, but they are not good at fighting. I think we should find some people with fighting ability, such as veterans like you and me." Hardy said.

"Who are you going to find?" Bill asked.

  "I can look for our brothers from the same team. I also got to know lot of people when I was helping treating patients. Maybe I can try to look for them to."

  Bill was silent for a while, looked at Hardy, and said very solemnly, "Jon, I have a suggestion."


  "Jon, let's make it official. You will be the boss, and I will help you. We will recruit another group of people. I believe we will become the strongest in the Austrian gang. One day!"

  Bill said this and looked at Hardy, hopefully.

  Hardy took out a cigarette and gave one to Bill, and the two of them lit up and smoked.

  It has been more than half a year since he came to this world. After initially understanding this world, Hardy's initial goal was to work hard in business.

  Even though there are many differences between time and space, he has insights beyond his time, and he believes that he can succeed.

  But during the days when he joined the gang, Hardy understood one thing. He had no foundation, and it was very difficult to get started.

  Even if he develops business in the future, in this society where strength dominate.

Wealth may not be enough to protect oneself.

  Even if you have a money making project, how do you get started? Funds, connections, social rules, government departments, any one of this is a big hurdle.

  And even After you have gone through all kinds of hardships and developed, you will inevitably be targeted by interested people, without strength to deter others many people will pounce on you like hungry wolves and bite you.

  Moreover, these hungry wolves are often very powerful, and entrepreneurs will most likely fail at this level.

  Going one step further, there are stronger predators waiting for you behind. They are powerful and are leaders and rule makers in every industry.

How difficult it is for you to break out of the encirclement.

  Hardy knows to well that the primitive accumulation of capital is full of blood.

Gangs may not be a way out.

  But gangs are some kind of power, even if they are small and weak compared to politicians and officials in the police and the army. They are still enough to intimidate some minor berucrats that may be interested in his first pot of gold. If he can really become successful on this road and have his own power, Hardy believes that he can use this power to protect his wealth, at least in the early stages of accumulation.

  Certainly. In the process, he must protect himself from being caught and thrown into jail, there is also the matter of cleaning up at the right time.

  The cigarette burned to the end, Hardy has made his decision, he looked up at Bill.

"Bill, are you willing to be my partner?"

  Bill felt happy knowing that Hardy had agreed.

  "Of course, just like on the battlefield before, you lead me to charge together, and I will be your deputy. We will definitely make a lot of money, Hardy."

Hardy extended his hand to Bill.


Bill's hand slapped Hardy's hand hard.

  Hardy was about to leave, and before leaving, he told him: "Get well soon, and by the way, pay attention to moderation, and don't waste all the nutrients you managed to gain on women."

  Bill smiled and waved goodbye.

  After returning to his residence, Hardy pulled out his suitcase from under the bed and found a notebook.

  Opening the notebook, there are densely packed names, addresses, and contact information recorded on it.

  Now that he has made up his mind, to go for it. Hardy is ready to devote all his energy to an underworld career.

  California, Orange County, Inside a restaurant Richard was washing dishes in the back kitchen. There were a mountain of dishes in the sink in front of him. His eyes began to itch again. He straightened up and rubbed them with the back of his hand.

  At this moment, the fat owner of the restaurant walked in and saw Richard taking a rest. He immediately shouted:

  "Richard, don't be lazy. There are many customers coming in this hour. Everyone is busy. Look how many plates to clean you have left."

  Richard looked at the boss with his remaining right eye, lowered his head, and continued to wash the dishes.

  The fat boss turned his back on Richard and said in a sarcastic tone, "Richard, if you hadn't begged me, I would never have let you a one eyed man work for me. You know, there are many people looking for jobs now."

  " Without a job, you can only sleep on the street and eat garbage, so you have to work harder, you know, people have to be grateful."

  Richard lowered his head and said nothing, the fat boss found it boring and turned around to leave.

Richard washed the dishes silently.

  A year ago, he was fighting with the Japanese on battlefield. He was a sniper on the team and killed countless enemies with one click.

  But in a battle, his position was exposed, and the opponent retaliated with a mortar. A shrapnel hit his left eye. Although he did not die, he lost an eye forever. He stayed in the hospital for half a year and finally retired from the army and returned to his hometown.

  His eye injury was not cured and became inflamed from time to time. The continuous treatment cost him all his retirement pension. Richard's family was in a rural area, and his life was very poor. He could not afford the treatment.

  Richard endured the pain and went out to work.

  As a disabled person. he can only do the lowest job and get the lowest salary.

  Being scolded by the boss has become normal. he had to endure it because he didn't want to lose his job.

Hardy walked into the restaurant.

  A waiter came over and asked Hardy what he wanted to eat.

  "I want to ask about someone, does Richard work here?" Hardy asked.

  When the waiter heard that he was looking for someone, he looked a little impatient and said, "Richard, I don't know." He turned around and left.

Hardy frowned slightly.

  He went to Richard's house before. His family told Hardy that Richard worked in this restaurant. How could the waiter say he didn't know?

  "He had an eye injury," Hardy said.

  The waiter suddenly said, "Ah, you said One Eye. If you didn't tell me, I almost forgot that his name is Richard. He is washing dishes in the backyard."

  One Eyed is not an honorific title, it seems that he is not having a good life here and is not respected by others.

  "Can you help me call him out? Just say his friend came to see him." Hardy said that and handed over a $2 tip.

  The waiter immediately smiled when he saw the tip. "No problem, I'll call him."