Chapter 17 Richard "A Soldir Life After The War"

  "Someone is looking for me; who?"

  Richard was surprised that someone would look for him. He didn't know anyone in the city at all.

  "How do I know? He said he was your friend. Well, I brought the words." After the waiter said that, he turned and left.

  Richard washed his hands, took off his scarf, and went into the front hall.

  When he saw Hardy's face, his only eye turned a little red. "Hardy, I didn't expect it to be you."

  Hardy smiled and stepped forward to give Richard a hug.

  The two were once comrades in the same squad. Like Bill, they had been together for several years and could be described as brothers who shared life and death moments. Richard was seriously injured and retired from the army early, and the two were separated for more than a year.

  "How are you doing?" Hardy asked.

  Richard sighed slightly. "As you can see, I have no other skills and am blind in one eye, so I can only find a job like this."

  "Richard, are you interested in working with me?"

  "Working with you. What are you doing now?"

  Richard looked at Hardy curiously.

  "Gangster, Los Angeles Austrian gang." Hardy told Richard directly.

  Richard was a little surprised.

  "Hardy, have you joined a gang?"

  Hardy smiled softly. "Bill dragged me into it."

  "Ah, that bastard Bill also joined a gang?!" Richard said.

  Hardy talked about his own experience. "I was injured and returned to San Diego from the army. I had no suitable job and could only work as a waiter in a bar. Later, I met someone who molested a female colleague. I beat the guy violently and was sent to jail."

  Fortunately, I had a mental illness certificate and was not sentenced to jail, but I lost a lot of money, and no one was willing to hire me anymore. At this time, I received a call from Bill, and I went to Los Angeles.

  "At first, I wanted to find a serious job, but Bill had a conflict with the Spaniards and was seriously injured and almost died. I avenged Bill, killed six of the other people, and then temporarily joined the Austrian gang to help him manage the neighborhood."

  Richard was a little stunned. "I read the newspaper, and it said that a guy named Cook from the Spanish gang was killed at home. It turned out to be you."

  "The newspaper also said that there was a conflict between the Austrian gang and the Irish recently. It's very violent now."

  Hardy nodded "Because of the conflict, I am short of manpower right now, so I came here to ask if you would like to follow me. Of course, joining a gang will be dangerous. If you are not willing, I will treat it as a visit to an old friend." Hardy said.

  Richard hesitated "Hardy, I'm not afraid of the dangers of gang conflicts. No matter how dangerous it is, how can it be more dangerous than the battlefield? I'm just worried about my family. My mother might be unhappy if she knew I joined a gang. She has always wanted me to live a stable life."

  Hardy He patted Richard on the shoulder and said, "Consider me visiting an old friend today. I'll wait for you here after work and get together in the evening."

  "Okay." Richard nodded with a smile.

  While the two were chatting, the boss came to the restaurant from the back kitchen and saw Richard sitting at the dining table, chatting with a young man.

  He suddenly became angry, he had just gone to the kitchen and saw a mountain of dishes in the sink, but Richard, who should be washing the dishes, was nowhere to be seen, his apron was thrown aside.

  After asking, he found out that he had gone to see a friend.

  The fat boss walked to the dining table, pointed at Richard, and cursed:

  "Richard, there are so many plates piled up in the kitchen, but you come here to chat with others, Do I pay you to chat with your friends? If you don't want to find yourself on the street you better go back to wash the plates right now"

  This fat man's words were really harsh.

  Richard stood up from his seat, he gritted his teeth.

  "I'll go back to work right now."

  The boss sneered "you think its over just like that? when you delay work for no reason, I will deduct two days of your salary this are my rules"

    His salary is already low—only 120 US $ a month. He has to live, see a doctor, and support his family. His income cannot make ends meet. Now that he has been deducted two days of salary by this stingy boss, he will probably be even more miserable next month.

  Richard gritted his teeth tighter, his eye injuries have always tormented him. He was told by the doctor that the eye surgery performed on him by the army was not very successful, so it often caused inflammation and required long term treatment. If he wanted to cure it, he would need a major operation, that surgery costs isn't small and with his current pay he is nowhere near able to afford that.

  He also wanted to install a prosthetic eyeball for himself so that he wouldn't look so weird, and maybe he could find a normal job, but he was told by the doctor that a prosthesis would also cost a lot of money.

  Richard knows that he will never be able to make money by washing dishes in his lifetime.

  Today, Hardy came to ask himself to join the gang, maybe his mother will be unhappy, but this may also be an opportunity to change his life.

  The fat boss was still chattering sarcastically with Richard. Richard suddenly looked at Hardy and said firmly, "Hardy, I changed my mind."

  As a successful sniper, maturity, calmness, and decisiveness are necessary qualities.

  It was just the experience of being injured and retiring that made Richard feel a little depressed.

  But now, at this moment, the confidence he once had seems to have returned to him.

Hardy smiled "Great."

  At this moment, Hardy was really grateful to the fat boss in front of him. If he hadn't forced him so hard, Richard wouldn't have agreed with him so easily.

  "Richard, what are you doing standing here? Hurry and go to work in the kitchen. Today you not only have to wash all the dishes, but you also have to clean the entire kitchen."

  The fat boss saw that Richard didn't go there obediently. Chef, on the other hand, was still chatting with others, feeling even more angry and increasing the punishment again.

  "Shut up!" Richard looked at the fat boss and said it calmly.

  The fat boss was stunned.

  He didn't expect that Richard would dare to tell him to shut up. He thought he heard wrongly.

"What did you say?"

  Richard's eyes became sharp. "I told you to shut up!"

The fat boss suddenly became angry.

  "Well, Richard, you dare to talk to me like this; very well, I tell you, you are fired now."

  "Also, you won't have this month's salary. Get out of here, get out of my restaurant."

  The fat boss pointed at Richard and cursed.

  At this moment, a beautiful revolver was thrust into the fat boss's mouth.


The fat boss almost peed in fear.

  "What I hate the most is when people keep talking nonsense in front of me. If you dare to say nonsense again, I will blow your mouth right away."

  "Yeah, yeah." The fat boss couldn't help but nod in fear.

  There were several diners in the restaurant, and they all looked over when there was a lot of noise. But now, when they saw someone pulling out a gun, they all looked frightened and held their breath.

  Hardy looked at the fat boss coldly.

  "Pay off my friend's salary, now, immediately!" Hardy said it in a tone that could not be refused.

  "Yeah." The fat boss nodded.

  He came to the bar, asked the cashier for some bills, and put them all in Richard's hands.

  Richard looked at the money in his hand and counted out ninety dollars. "I worked twenty days this month. This is what I deserve. I don't want more."

  After that, he slapped the extra money on the table. .

"Hardy, let's go."

  Hardy smiled and walked out of the restaurant with Richard. The boss let out a big breath after watching the two leave.

  Damn, he was really scared to death just now.

  He almost peed when the guy stuck the gun into his mouth.

In Hardy's car, Richard suddenly laughed.

  "You know, Hardy, this is the happiest I've been in more than a year. I feel like I made the right choice this time."

  "The days before were so depressing!"

  The two found a near by bar. After a good drink at the bar, they drove to Richard's home in the countryside and told his parents that a friend had helped him find a job in Los Angeles, the salary was three times the current salary. His parents were very happy and asked Richard what kind of job he was doing.

  "Transport driver, great job." Richard smiled.

The next day, Hardy took Richard away. On the way, Richard asked where he was going. Hardy smiled and said: "You are the first. Next, we need to find more people. Now let's find Henry."

  Henry was once on the same team as Hardy. That guy was very cunning and was the scout of the team, responsible for investigating situations.

  "Did Henry retire too?" Richard asked happily.

  "Yes, a little later than you."

  "I contacted him on the phone the day before yesterday. He is now helping others raise cattle on a breeding farm. I told him on the phone about the situation and asked if he would like follow me, and the guy agreed immediately."

  "Drive faster; I really miss him. I really wish our former squad reunite together for a drink." Richard said.

  Hardy smiled and said, "There will be many brothers coming back."